Shifter backstory

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Now we're here for the information about our shifters.
First things first they're only called the tribe of the local tribe the local reserve we are not using actual native American people and actual native Americanfloor / folklore we are not sitting there and taking it and completely butchering the fuck out of it like Stephanie Myers did. I do not believe that I have the capability to sit here and try to do the dual amount of research to get this right and not fuck it up in some sort or form or way plus I am doing this in a fanfiction so I feel like it would take way too long for what I'm trying to do here so we're not doing that no.

I'm not going to be giving them a name because I don't feel like sitting there and coming up with one that's made up of probably sound racist and again I'm not trying to take one that does exist. They're just the tribe most people don't even talk about them like that in the first place they're just a part of the community if anything you'll probably hear people talking about the res the reserve and that's about it just because it is their land and the other people of forks are not allowed to just randomly walk into it or show up there they do actually have to be like invited and allowed to go there there's only one community area and that is the beach where they do allow the locals to come if they want to but most of the time they don't because it's normally cold and rainy 95% of the time.

the shifters are exactly that their shifters they just happened to shift into wolves. they're not werewolves and they are also not the only shifters that exist there are other tribes with different types of shifters as we established in the first part of this Emmett is native and was part of a tribe that were bird or specifically hawk shifters.

So that is a thing that can happen. if someone happens to have two parents that are direct descendants from different tribes and they both happen to be direct descendants of shifters it is at 50-50% chance that they will turn out as one or the other or they could be a completely different animal that can actually happen because the two shifter animals could be fighting so hard that eventually they just end up picking an animal that is remotely slightly related to both of them and that is what they become.

shifting is something that they can control they can do it whenever they want to. The mind link is not a All Access service at all. they can legitimately block out certain parts of their mind that they don't want the others to hear or see they literally can project things to each other's minds when they have shifted and they can talk to each other telepathically.

they're not stupidly huge or gigantic unless they are and true alpha wolf so Jacob is really because he's an alpha wolf but that is about it. Technically speaking all wolves are beta there are no like Omega wolves because they are extremely rare they can be male or female and female shifters are extremely rare in the first place but they can happen.

Leah is clearly is one of those rare occasions and exceptions cuz she is going to be someone who shift. And technically speaking she would fall under second in command / beta as in she is also a direct descendant of the main shifter family so she is more like a sub alpha if Jacob decides he does not want to be the pack then she would become the alpha of the pack not Sam.

Sam is only holding that position currently because he was the first to shift and he is the oldest.

Speaking of shifting and oldest let's talk about their ages.

I decided to change up their ages not by a lot but by little just for personal reasons including the fact that Jacob is actually significantly younger than Bella from crack I'm pretty sure he's like 15 in the first movie.

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