Welcome to Forks

Bella smiled as she got off the plane. She had two suitcases filled with brand new clothing. Feeling slightly gleeful at the fact that her mother and Phil were going to be heading out in a few days and that her mom's world was about to be absolutely Molly rocked off its fucking axis. Plus she was officially about to meet the guy should become pretty decent she'd even say close friends with over the course of the past two weeks.

As she walked through the airport she ignored the looks and whispers. She was well aware of the fact that a handful of those people there were probably from Forks Washington themselves and the other half were probably just stun to see the beautiful girl walking through the airport. She was also aware of the fact that her fashion sense was immaculate but also wasn't exactly things that people were wearing in the early 2000s.

Since if there was one thing she refused to do it was change her aesthetic up. It had taken her years to get comfortable and find a style that worked for her. First she had discovered a bunch of different styles in her teens that she was unable to try out thanks to her very strict grandmother who seemed to raise her more so than either of her parents.

Then it was because of the school that she decided to go to for University and they're strict policy on what was and was inappropriate. Then it was her first ever job which was right after University and it wasn't until she had reached the right page of 25 that she was actually allowed to explore fashion and figure out what works for her and it wasn't until a year later that she had actually been able to fully embrace it. Lani was still pissed off at the fact that she only had a year and a half of being able to feel comfortable in her own skin and body before she was ran over by that stupid mother fucking driver and their dumbass driving.

So she'd be damned if all of a sudden she wasn't wearing those very same outfits and styles just because. But she dressed a bit tamer today. For Charlie's sake.

Bella looked around the airport as she waited

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Bella looked around the airport as she waited. Smiling to a few people, causing a few women to second guess there sexuality. Watching as a few men literally stumbled just from a small smile. Lani was definitely going to have fun with this oddly super natural effect she had on others.


Turning around as a smile made its way on to her face. Happy to see her new father eaving her over. Not noticing the effect it had on others around her. Unlike her father who made sure his badge was showing and glaring at any grown man who looked at her for more then five seconds.

"Dad! I've missed you." Bella stated. Taking her father by surprise slightly with a bear hug. Charlie could feel his heart starting to mend at the hug. Taking in the warmth and smell of lavander that hung on to his little girl.

Once aging feeling slightly sad for all that he missed in her life. Noticing the changes in her. From the bleached  blonde hair that fell longer then the last time he saw her. Light make up blush, highlighter and eyeliner from what he can tell. Along with the outfit.

He wasn't the biggest fan of the outfit outside.of the sweater but the again. His little girl was already 16 soon to be a young women.

"Hey Bell's you look different...I like it."

Charlie smiles wider as he lets her go. Happy to see her positively beaming at his complement. Wondering if her mother might have gave her a hard time. Knowing how compative Renée could be.

"Thanks dad. So what's the plan for today?"

Charlie chuckled as he grabbed one of her suitcases. Leading her out side to his new truck. Having decided to get himself another car outside of his cop car. Especially after his conversions with Bell. Making sure to give all the men death glares as they looked at his daughter.

" Well I think we'll head home first drop off your stuff. Give me time to change and then head out the dinner if your up to it? "

Brown eyes met blue as Bella and Charlie looked.at each other. Smiles of pure happiness and adoration on both of there faces. As Bella nodded her agreement.

Everyone around them couldn't help but look. As there was something about the father daughter duo that drew them in. Maybe it was how attractive they both looked walking away. Or the pure attraviness of Charlie's proactiveness over his daughter. Maybe it was the way Isabella seemed to almost glide across the floor instead of walk. Or it could.have been the matching grins on there faces the small dimple they both shared and the positive energy that they radiated.

Who knows.but one thing was for sure. Everyone one at the airport that day would remember that beautiful family duo that walked by that day. Many feeling as of they had seen a glimps of what angles or God's must look like. Others a bit envious of the beauty and aura they both possessed.

Including on Lauren Mallory who was heading back home. After a small vacation in Paris with her father to make.up for her lack luster summer. She couldn't believe how handsome Cheif Swan looked outside of his uniform. Let alone how attractive his daughter was.

It pissed her off to no end as all she had going for her. In that God forsaken school was her money and looks. Both that had been dimed a little by the arrival of the Cullen's last year. This was a disaster.

Then there was a couple. Pale and beautiful so alluring yet something seemed off about them. Standing near the exit of the airport. Finally coming home from an impromptu trip to Italy.

The tall beautiful natural blonde was interested in the bleach blonde. She had never seen or met a human with such a powerful allure. Golden eyes met blue for no longer then a.few seconds. But those seconds were more then enough.

Rosalie didn't know what it was about the chief's daughter but she was sure to find out. Something in the back of her head nagged at her warning her that things were going to change.

She just didn't know what yet. Emmett broke her out those thoughts. Both of them sharing a loving kiss before heading home.

Again the first few chaptersare always short and slightly boring in my opinion anyway. I do hope you guys are enjoying it so far though.

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