"wait hold on Bells so you're telling me that you've managed to make this boy pass out twice. Just by standing up to him and his sexist Outlook?"

Bella nodded as she ate another mouth full of pasta. Looking at her dad over the dining room table. The two of them sharing a look before bursting out laughing.

She couldn't help but to feel warm and happy as she watched her father. Charlie sat there spoon loaded with baked macaroni goodness. Held up parallel to his mouth as he sat there full belly laughing. The two of them exchanging stories on how their day had went.

So far in this unspoken competition she was winning. As the only exciting thing that happened to Charlie that day was getting a call from her school letting him know that there was an incident with another student that led to that student being suspended. Outside of the coffee machine breaking and him and the rest of the police officers having to survive off of decaffeinated green tea that was somehow left in the office kitchen.

"Well Bells I'm happy you're able to rip him a new one. I know that boy didn't have the best upbringing but damn Carlisle he's a nice young man the way he sits there and takes care of those kids and his younger half brother. It's a shame that poor boy doesn't seem to learn you know Ashley end up having to get cold to the school like twice last year because of him apparently he piss off some of the male students with the way that he talked to their sisters or girlfriends they had planned an entire shebang to jump the poor kid and beat the shit out of him after school luckily unluckily one of their parents found a notebook filled with plans or something like that and end up calling in."

He paused as he finally took a bite of the big macaroni. A happy hum leaving him as he gave Bella a thumbs up before going back in for a few more bites. Sign before taking a swig of his beer and continuing his story.

"Honestly. I feel like I probably should have pretended that I wasn't worried about it let them beat up the poor sap. As fucked up as it sounds I genuinely feel like less his brother actually sends him to that all boys school or he gets to ever loving shit beat out of him he's never going to learn."

Agreeing with her father Bella then changed the subject. Telling him about all of her classes and how she saved Jessica from a life of highschool servanthood. Only really briefly touching on her newly forming friendship with the other calling kids something her father picked up on and allowed her to do. Even though he did show agreement with her befriending the other four Cullens as long as it wasn't edward. They continue to talk for the next 2 hours as they eat cleaned up the kitchen and then headed the separate ways for the evening.

Charlie awkwardly bringing up the fact that he had a date tomorrow. Explaining to her how they had a fundraiser for the reserve and local businesses not too long ago and he happened to somehow become one of the commodities. Wanting to make sure his daughter knew that he wasn't going to be home for dinner that night. Bella laughed as she reassured him that she's more than capable of being by herself for an evening.

Ignoring the slight flash of anger that crossed her father's face. Understanding that he was most likely thinking about the way his ex-wife had treated their daughter all of these years. The two of them did their goodbyes before Charlie heading to the living room. A beer and a bag of chips in hand as he sat down the TV coming on and the sound of college football filled the living room.

Bella quickly made her way upstairs taking quick shower doing her nightly routine before heading into her room. She truly didn't want to call her mother so instead she opted for opening up her email. Sending a quick email about having a busy day but it going pretty well before hitting send noticing that she had a new one from Phil in her inbox. She contemplated waiting a bit longer before eating it before I deciding what the hell.

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