Alice was positively giddy with excitement so much so that her husband felt as if he was getting a sweet tooth from all the energy and happy emotions she was projecting.

Jasper and Alice sat there at the diner both of them with plan vanilla milkshakes with some special red protein strawberry sauce in them. Alice waking up that morning and absolutely vibrating with all the energy that she had as she skipped around the house. Invading Edward's mind thinking abilities as she sat there singing along to the Barbie girl song in her mind.

Carlisle feeling slightly worried about whatever it is that his adoptive daughter has seen from the way that she was acting in the looks she kept giving him. Trying to ignore it as best as he could has he prepared for his day at work.

Rose and Emmett not home yet from their vacation away. They're estimated time of arrival being later that day or evening depending on how willing and ready Rose was to head back to high school and college once again.

Jasper was completely blindsided and unaware of what exactly was going on in his pixie of a wife's head until they had finally arrived at the diner. One of the three main food places that they go to since they had a fairly good relationship now with the owners and workers the ones who understood that they had to take special medicine that their father figure always make sure they had on them. Most of the time in the form of blood red pill capsules with some kind of unidentifiable liquid them having to pop at least two of them in their mouths before eating or in the form of some specialized red liquid or sometimes even mixed in with the special hot sauce or strawberry jam that they like to add to their sweet or savory foods.

No one in forks really question them as they were fairly pale people not so pale that it would be concerning but pale enough that most people assume that they were most likely some super form of anemic. Which was something that the cullens were very happy about since no one questioned their special dietary or medical needs.

But it was after they had sat down Alice ordering them both of vanilla milkshake with extra protein. That she finally turned to Jasper and spoke. Looking at him smiling occasionally saying something loud enough for the human to understand well quickly whispering softly enough that only other paranormals would pick up on the fact that she was even speaking.

"Jazzy it's happening! Carlisle won't be alone anymore. Plus we won't have to worry about him and Tanya possibly being a thing. But you're going to have to help me I already know that Rose and Emmett will I've already seen it but she's young like teenage Young of course they don't actually end up together together until she's a legal age and all that in terms of well turning her that is they're definitely going to be together before then *giggle* but you know how he can be. We have to make sure that he doesn't fuck up his own good happy ending cuz let's just say the other endings that I saw aren't exactly the best and we need to keep Edward as far away from her as possible because he could fuck this entire thing up and have our entire family in danger."


asper sat there nodding occasionally saying something loud enough for the humans to understand. All while he's out there and took in what Alice was telling him. They were all quite sad when they found out that Esme and Carlisle just wasn't a match they weren't really compatible. Of course that didn't change very much for them they were happy to have her as Aunt figure as their father figures little sister.

She was still very motherly towards all of them that needed that type of coddling specifically Emmett and Edward who really did miss having that mother's touch in their life. While being very respectful towards those who didn't need her in that way being more of a friend and confidant for Rose and Alice. Or someone to just be there as she was for Jasper during his darker moments.

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