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First Night & Day

Bella couldn't help.but smile as they pulled up to the small two story home. Having a few quick memories pop up of a mini Isabella running around and playing with the neighborhood kids along with a few of the children from the reserve.

Quickly grabbing her suitcases and making her way inside. Thanking her dad for holding the door. Stopping to take a deep breath the smell of pine, ocean and pie filling her nose. A very similar smell to her father that smelled of ocean, leather and cloves.

"I cleaned up your old room but decided to not buy anything. I know how much you want to decorate it yourself. So I thought we could go shopping this weekend for that."

Bella turned around and nodded to her father. Since it was already Thursday she only had to go to school tomorrow then it was the weekend. She already was going to make plans to do some shopping. Having decided to buy the mythology book now and show up to school Monday with it.

She had also already talked.to her day about switching out of biology if she could or at least change what period she had it. Reminding her father how queasy she can be with things like blood testing or dissecting animals something that she was well aware that the school out here did. Thinking that it wouldn't be a very smart idea for her to have biology right after lunch it'll be too much for her stomach to handle. Something he quickly agreed to and told her that he'll call the school after he's changed. Since he was pretty good friends with the principal there anyway to see if you can have a change now rather than have her have to bother with it tomorrow morning.

Lani was very happy with that already being semi settled. Nodding to her father as he dropped her off at her door. Heading into his own room. Quietly walking into her new room for the next 2 a d a half years. Lani looked it over and was happy to see what a blank slate it was. It made her job of redecorating it so much easier. Taking out her phone she was that there was a new message from her mother. Telling her to check in with her next week.

With am eye roll she threw it on the bed. Walking over to the closet and opening it.throwimg in one of her suitcases before opening the other. Having packed them so she'd have enough outfits for at least two weeks in one.
Lani had all of her looks for the first week planned out and a few backup looks Incase she had to head out after school or change fits.

Grabbing out a new one and heading to the bathroom. Knocking on her dad's door to let him know she was going to take a quick shower. Getting an ok back before walking to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later she was redressed and freshened up.

A smirk on her face as she met her father down stairs. Complementing his out fit as he complimented hers.

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