Wasn't going to update today but...
Yesterday was one of my favorite people's bday and they asked for an update so here it's is. 🥳🤗

~Time Skip 6 period Lunch ~

Bella was ready to murder people. Her high School experience wasn't horrible the first time around but if anything this just reminded her why she hated it so much.

Half of the teachers were beyond insufferable. Either trying to engage the entire class by picking out the new girl or trying to use her as some sort of example. Sadly for them she's been there done that she was pretty good at avoiding teachers calling on her and when they did well she put them in their place more often than not to the point where by the time third period rolled around she's pretty sure the teachers had some kind of group chat. Choose basically ignored two classes as if she wasn't even there outside of getting her slip signed.

It wasn't her fault she was an avid reader in her past life. Or the fact that she was very into historical musicals and plays and they just happened to be covering Hamlet at the time. Or that the teacher was mistaking Hamlet for Macbeth somehow. Not to mention the teacher was a little too snippy with her. Making creepy jokes about how pale she was for being from Phoenix or how she needs to eat more how she could improve her physical appearance honestly should admit maybe one or two female teachers like that her past life and none of them were great most of them are looking for male validation from their students which honestly felt like what this teacher was trying to do tear her down as everyone in the school have been talking about it all going her like the new shiny toy.

The only good thing she can say was meeting Angela and Ben. They weren't as bad as she had assumed they would be. Especially after she met Lauren. Shit Jessica was a hot mess. Not necessarily bad but she needed help like talk to a therapist gain some self worth and esteem. That kinda help.

Even now as she walked the halls with Jessica she couldn't help but feel bad for the poor girl. She was fairly pretty shorter than herself by about 4 in she'd say somewhere between 5 ft and 5 ft 1. The prettiest blue eyes she ever did see they almost felt us if you were looking into the depths of the ocean and curly brown hair. She had a vet faint Texan accent most likely from having lived there when she was younger but also from her parents. Bella had the honors of having to go to the office with Jessica happy through their class it seemed the girl had forgotten to pick up her lunch and her dad was there to bring it to her. Her dad was a tall gruff looking man who looked as if he should be out and about on a ranch rather than living in a small cold rainy town in the middle of washington.

When you opened his mouth to speak as he smiled at his daughter his entire face lighting up. She was genuinely surprised to hear the Texan accent. It was thick and heavy his voice itself sounded how she remembers whiskey tasting. Not exactly her favorite taste in the world but there was something about it once it wouldn't down with that warmth that followed that slight burn that made you feel good happy whole even.

Even during their brief encounter sharing just a few sentences as she stood there next to jessica. Even she can pick up on the fact that clearly Mr Stanley was aware of his daughter's low self-esteem and confidence. As he sat there giving her compliments as she talked about how good she was doing in her classes as he gave her a bear hug that seemed warm and loving before giving Bella a pat on the shoulder as he walked out of the school.

Now as the walked towards the cafeteria Jessica would go on babbling about how cool Bella was in their English class. Talking to her about how science was secretly her favorite subject. Going off on small tangents about sustainable living and clothing honestly Jessica was way smarter than she appeared to be. Then again she wasn't super surprised by how the poor girl dumped herself down around her other friends.

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