Episode 54: A Bridge too Close: Part 5

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*15 Minutes after the activation of Project Nexus*

Titan, a densely populated colony world of Cybertron turned into an industrial military complex for Autobot forces during the war. Until now at least.

The colony world finds it under management of its newest occupants: The Decepticons. 

Their mission remains the same as any of the other strike teams at this point in time: Secure their objective and await further orders until they're bridged out via spacebridge.

However, a new challenge arises as two Autobots find themselves marooned on a colony world, many light years away from reinforcements of any kind.

Not much time remains until the activation of the spacebridge, and if it does, Autobot forces at Project Nexus may find themselves being quickly overwhelmed. 

It now falls within the hands of the two marooned Autobots to make it to the site in time, escape, and reunite with their comrades.


At Fort Syron, the largest base on the planet, an elite squadron of Seekers prepares to disembark for Project Nexus upon the activation of the spacebridge. 

In the main area, Slipstream stands back and watches as the members of her squadron monitor all systems.

Slipstream: Status report, Novastorm!

Nova Storm: 15 minutes left before the spacebridge activates, lieutenant.

Slipstream: Excellent.

A bright orange Seeker looks back at his lieutenant with a great, big smile.

Sunstorm: Yes, yes! Excellent indeed! You do tide efficient work in leading this squadron, lieutenant! Starscream will most certainly be pleased with your success!

Suddenly, an alert appears on screen as two blips appear on the radar.

Slipstream: Wonder what that could be.

Novastorm: Interlopers....

"Your mother."

Everyone turns to look at a grey and purple Seeker with a cone shaped head, who was sitting at the comm unit nearby.

Ramjet: Really.

Slipstream: Ramjet, do you like that absurd looking cone-head of yours?

Ramjet: No.

Slipstream: Well if you did, I'd suggest you watch your tone, or else it might itself being "misplaced" up your aft!

Ramjet: *Grumbling*

Slipstream: Do you have something to say?

Ramjet: Huh?

Slipstream: Hmm?

Ramjet: What?

Slipstream: Do you have something to say to me, Ramjet?

Ramjet: I didn't say anything.  I swear it!  Just ask Sunstorm!

Sunstorm: Slipstream, my dearest mistress, I...

Slipstream: ENOUGH! I don't care.

As Slipstream turns to walk away, Sunstorm heads over to the comm unit and pats Ramjet on the back.

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