Chapter 1

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Their third year had started exactly last week. By now, Thomas knew where all of his classes are, and where everything else was. Quidditch tryouts had been yesterday, and I had convinced Thomas not to try out, as he needed to catch up with school work. Upon Dracos request, I asked my father, Severus Snape if we'd made the team again this year. Which, to our luck, we did.

"I can't believe it's already my seventh year. What the bloody hell am I going to do without you guys?" Marcus asked as we sat at breakfast.

"Well, you'll get to see us during summer and Christmas break at least" Draco said, his plate still empty.

"Yeah, and you know you're always welcome to stay at my manor. It's usually empty, unless" I started, but was interrupted by Severus.

"Can I speak to you?" Severus asked me, and I stood up. Severus led me outside of the doors to the Great Hall, "did you bring the books with you?" He asked.

"No, of course not. Can't have people seeing them, father" I said, shaking my head. Ever so occasionally, I did call Snape 'father' even if people were near.

"Good. Good" he said, turning around and leading me back in.

"But why?" I asked, getting closer to my old friends.

"Because, Dumbledore is onto us, and I need you safe" Severus said as we passed behind Astryx Dane and Tom Wells.

"Onto us?"

"Come to my office tonight. I'll tell you then" Severus said, and continued to his seat with the other professors.

As I sat down, I got a look in my direction from Astryx. It was a confused look, and I only shook my head. When breakfast was done, Draco and I had only had a few drinks. For some odd reason, neither of us were hungry. First, we had Care of Magical Creatures. Draco and I walked alone, Thomas was with Pansy. We were in the front of the Slytherin group as the Gryffindors got together in a group beside us. When the class ended, we had Potions next. On the way there, I told Draco about what Severus had talked to me about earlier at breakfast. But when he mentioned coming along, I declined.

"I'll ask him after class, no, we will. We can see if you can come. Alright?" I offered when we sat down beside each other.

Draco only nodded, and Severus walked in. Thomas was sitting to my left, as that was the only empty seat when we had our first potions lesson this year. I could tell my 'father', Professor Snape wasn't fond of Thomas at all. Thomas was 'good', and I, following the rest of my family, was 'bad'. We were polar opposites for the most part. Honestly, as much as I tried to tell Thomas there was too many horrible people in our family to turn it good, he thought otherwise. He had even said he wouldn't believe it until he was told by all of my friends. Of course, most of my friends weren't at all even my friends. The result for that would end up giving Thomas more power with his good intentions. The only friends who knew about my family lines were really only the Dane twins, Tyler Emerald, Crabbe, Goyle, the Malfoys, and a few other people. With that in mind, I walked to Transfigurations with Tom Wells, as he needed to go in that direction. Apparently, he had Charms class.

"You don't think you're going to be over powered?" Tom asked, looking down at me.

"No, one person in my family can't make a difference if they're good. Only a single bad person in my family could make a difference."

"Like you? I mean, you're carrying on the family thing, with the horrible reputation. Yet you're keeping the fame your family has. Right, Bane?" Tom asked, stopping outside of Transfigurations with me.

There was a few minutes before I'd be considered late to class. "Yeah, like you said when we first met, I'll end up like Lord Voldemort or something if I keep it up" I smiled, "and that's the kind of reputation my family holds."

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