Chapter 16

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Our Hogwarts letters came in the mail today. You know, the ones that tell you the supplies for your upcoming year? Yeah, those ones.

"Have any of you seen my wand?" Draco asked coming into the living room.

Everyone shook their head, and Draco looked towards me, "Draco I swear I don't have it."

Edward and Ashton nodded, as if to reassure Draco that I was telling the truth. Slowly, Draco then turned around and marched up the stairs. Going to look for his wand in his room I supposed.

"Maybe he left it at his manor? Didn't he go back there the other day to get something?" Percival "Pip" asked us.

"Yes, he did. But I'm almost sure he didn't bring his wand" I shook my head.

Almost an hour later, Draco came back downstairs. He was mumbling angrily to himself. Knowing it was best to keep away from him, I continued talking to my other friends. We were discussing things like Quidditch and when we'd all go out to get our stuff. I was ready for my fourth year. Very ready.

** the next day **

"Wake up sleepy head" a rough voice said, "what are you going to do? Sleep all day?"

"I was, until you woke me up" I said, covering my face with the covers.

"TABITHA ALEXIS BANE GET YOUR ASS UP" Draco suddenly screamed as he walked into my room.

"She is up stupid" Edward said as I sat up.

Taking the pillow beside me, I threw it at Draco. Who, not to my surprise, caught it. Rolling my eyes, I got out of bed and walked into my closet. Once getting ready, I walked downstairs. Everyone was already ready to go to Diagon Alley to get our school supplies. We left shortly after I got downstairs, apparating to Diagon Alley.

All of us separated after that, Draco and I going off to get new robes, since ours were getting small. Edward and the others went off to get their books. It was a silent walk to Madam Malkin's, the now normal for Draco and I. I get it, why he doesn't want to talk often anymore. It's probably more than upset him that I'm dating other people. No, it has done more than upset him.

"Ms. Bane! Mr. Malfoy!" The old woman said to us as we came in.

I sent a small smile her way as Draco and I walked up to get our new robes fitted.

** two hours later **

"Honestly, I don't understand how" Edward was saying as Draco and I came up behind the group.

"It kind of confuses me how they're best friends still. I mean, she's done a lot, and you've heard what he says" Ashton said, none of the group noticing we were behind them.

"TABITHA!" Two way too familiar voices called from behind, making the group and I look behind me.

"Oh great" I mumbled, seeing the twins.

When the two got caught up with us, I looked up at them "and what could you two possibly want this time?" I joked.

"Oh nothing" Fred said.

"Seriously, we don't want anything" George added. 

Nodding, I looked back at my group of friends, "you guys go on without me."


It's starting to get dark out, and I'm still walking aimlessly around Diagon Alley with the Weasley twins. That's when we decided to go our separate ways so we could go home. But instead of going directly home, I walked to Knockturn Alley. The weirdest of the weird were always here at night, but it didn't much bother me. Grindelwald was there as usual, and I walked over to him.

"Surprised to see you here" he said.

"Don't be" I replied, looking around.

"You aren't scared of the odd people? The weirdest of the weird come here at night."

"Scared? You really don't know me as well as you think. Besides, you can't run forever now, can you?"

Grindelwald shrugged and I continued walking.

a/n: short chapter sorry. also, the next book should be coming out soon. well, the first chapter at least.

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