Chapter 8

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Christmas break began two days ago. Currently, I was at Hogwarts, waiting for permission from my father to go home. Severus had kept both Edward and I here, to help with organising his potions and ingredients. His way of punishing me for getting so many detentions for both Edward and I lately.

"How do you even deal with him being your dad?" Edward asked from the other end of the ingredient room.

"It's easy actually, he's not that bad" I replied, picking up a bottle of Deadlyius and walking to Edwards end of the room. He watched me as I put it away, and sighed when I started walking back to my end of the room. Turning around halfway to my end, "what?"

"Nothing" he said, smiling as he handed me a bottle of Starthistle.

"Really, what is it?" I asked, climbing the ladder and putting it on a high shelf where it belonged.

"When are you going to admit you like me?"

"Whenever I feel like I've destroyed myself enough on the inside."

"Why?" He asked, walking over to me.

After reorganising a few ingredients, I came down the ladder. "Because, that's what I do. I'm afraid of telling anyone what I'm feeling. Because I'm afraid it will destroy them. So I don't tell anyone, and I let it destroy me" I said, picking up a bottle of Lobalug Venom, then putting it back.

It was in that moment he kissed me. The moment I realised, maybe I actually do like him. No. I knew it since we met that I liked him. But I couldn't say it. There's no way I could admit I liked Edward Slytherin.
When Edward pulled away, I was speechless.

"I like you too, Tabitha Alexis Bane" he said, and left the room.

** Later that evening **

"Edward, can I talk to you? In private?" I asked him. Edward had almost been avoiding me since the kiss.

"I guess" Edward said, and got up from the Slytherin table, leaving his friends behind.

"I didn't want to admit it" I started, but he interrupted me.

"But now you do. Because the kiss made you realise you actually like me. Just like the the first girl I was with. That didn't end very well. Or last long" Edward said, slightly angry.

"No. You're wrong, Edward. You're absolutely wrong. The reason I hadn't wanted to admit it, was because I dint want you to end up like the rest of my relationships have. Even Draco, before we ended our relationship forever ago, he'd said he destroyed me. He's determined to believe it. That's why he and I aren't together. That's why I didn't want to admit I like you" I said, looking into the great hall at his friends, who were watching from their seats.

He'd seen his friends too, but he ignored them as he took my face in his hands and kissed me again. There were cheers from his friends as he pulled away. Out of embarrassment, I covered my face with my hands.

"He's done it! He's finally kissed the famous Tabitha Bane he's liked forever" one of his friends, a brown haired boy said.

Edward pulled me into a hug, and I wrapped my arms around him, but made effort to keep my face unseen by his friends, "I haven't liked her forever" Edward countered.

"You've liked her since you saw her getting sorted! From then on its been all this different stuff. About how she's famous and rich, and PureBlood. How her great aunt was Selene Bane, one of the most dangerous witches of all tome, to how she erased herself from her parents lives. And a whole bunch of other cool stuff about her" the same boy said.

"She's the reason you volunteered yourself to be in her death eater group. You wanted to know her better. Get to meet the Tabitha behind all the rumours that make her seem so" a girl trailed off.

"Horrible?" I asked, finally looking at his friends and pulling away from the hug. The girl, who had jet black hair, nodded.

"She's the Dark Lords favourite death eater, I've heard" a smaller boy whispered to the brown haired boy from earlier.

"That's very true, Pip" Edward stated.

The boy, Pip, looked at me, fear in his eyes. The brown haired boy from earlier looked at me, "you are? You're Voldemorts favourite?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that" I told the boy.

"How? I didn't know people like him could have favourites" The boy said.

"Ashton, we can talk about this over dinner" the girl said, and we all walked back to the Slytherin table.


"Well, he lets me take care of Nagini. Which is always a pleasure. Considering the last two people who had the job of caring for her were killed" I started.

"Killed?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah, Nagini killed them" I said, grabbing my drink.

"Ashton, don't you know, she's afraid of nothing. She's fearless" Pip said softly.

"Nearly fearless. My only fear is my own dead body" I shrugged. 

"Like Tom Riddles fear then, right?" Pip asked.

Nodding, I continued on, "also, he lets me help with the plans at meetings."

"Meetings?" Ashton asked.

Laughing, I said, "yes meetings. We're like an organisation. We have meetings. Usually at either the Malfoy Manor, or even my own manor."

Over the rest of dinner, I told them more. Including how Lord Voldemort even gave me my own group of Death Eaters. Which there was currently only two members of. Edward and Draco. But Voldemort wanted the best for my group. He tested the people's abilities. See what they are capable of. Pip, who I learned was a first year, and Ashton's little brother, was the most interested in my story. The black haired girl, by the name of Mary, thought the most interesting this was my great aunt. Aston though pretty much everything about me was interesting. Especially of how I'd erased myself from my parents lives and how Severus Snape was now my father. For the most part, Edward stated silent, listening to the stupid questions asked by the three of his friends who stayed for Christmas break yearly.

"Did the two of you finish your work in the potions and ingredients rooms?" My father asked, looking between Edward and I.

"Yes, father" I replied, looking at Severus Snape.

"Very well then. You can leave whenever you want now" Severus said before walking out of the Great Hall.

"Are you going to go home?" I asked Edward.

"My parents don't allow me to come home during Christmas break. Just like theirs" Edward replied sadly, nodding towards his friends.

"You all can come stay at my manor if you want" I offered.

"Really?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah. Plenty of room. Just, mind you, be nice to the house elves" I said.

"Nice to them?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah. Thats how they're treated at the Bane manor now. Since my parents up and left to Romania" I sharply replied.

Ashton nodded. "When do we leave?" Edward smiled.

"Now. If you all know how to apparate to places."

"Mary doesn't. But Pip, Ashton and I do" Edward stated.

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