Chapter 4

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When I woke, I didn't feel tired at all. Even with the fact I only got a rough one hour of sleep, I felt as though I'd slept all night. The problem is, I know I'll be falling asleep in History of Magic and definitely Astronomy. Though, instead of going to help father out with potions I could go to my dormitory and sleep. No, actually, I'm not going to do that. I'll just sleep in History of Magic and Astronomy. They aren't even hard classes. Besides, Millicent will do my work. Or maybe even Edward could help me. As I walked out of my room, and through the empty dormitory, a voice came from behind me.

"Good morning" Edward said slowly.

"Morning to you too" I said, jumping slightly at the suddenness of his voice.

"Scare you?"

"A little" I said, walking down the stairs.

As Edward and I walked to breakfast, we talked about the whole "my own group of Death Eaters" subject. Personally, I thought it was odd I was getting my own group. While Edward, on the other hand, believed it was because of the trust Lord Voldemort had in me. When we sat down, Tyler and Astryx came over. Ignoring them, I looked at Marcus and the others.

"Any plans?" I asked, looking around at our Quidditch team. 

"Not really, other than what came up last night. Do you have the stuff with you?" Draco replied.

"Sort of, Edward and I put them in fathers office."

"You're seriously cool with Snape being your father now, aren't you?" Goyle asked me.

Glaring at him, I smiled, "why of course I am. My real father, Sirius, seriously never liked me. Neither my mother. Honestly, I can't be any happier now."

Goyle rolled his eyes and went back to eating his breakfast. Five more minutes before first period. We had Herbology first thing today.

"We'd better get going" I told Draco, and then turned to Edward, "see you at lunch."

Draco and I, along with Crabbe and Goyle, left to go to Herbology. "We'd better be dealing with mandrakes again" Draco said.

"Why, so you can let one bite you again?" I asked, stifling a laugh.

"Oh shut up Tab!" Draco said, hitting my arm playfully.

Rolling my eyes as we walked into the Greenhouse, I placed my books on the table behind us. As normal, we were the first four people there, other than Potter, Weasley, and Granger. I rolled up my sleeves and crossed my arms, leaning back against the table behind us.


After Herbology, we walked to Defense against the Dark Arts. Where we'd most likely be doing something boring, and then after that, we'd have one of our elective classes. Which, in mine and Draco's case, was Arithmancy. 

"Maybe I'll join your group" Draco said suddenly, breaking the silence as we walked into the school.

"No, you will absolutely not join my group" I said sternly.

"Why not, Tab?"

"I don't want you getting hurt, I also don't want you to not kill who you're supposed to. Because if you don't follow orders from Voldemort to qualify to be apart of my group, I'll have to kill you. I can't do that" I said, thinking of having to kill him.

"I'll do it. Even if I have to kill someone I'm friends with" Draco said, stopping me in the middle of the corridor as Crabbe and agile continued on.

Sighing, I looked down, "do whatever you want, but just know, you have to kill a maximum of three people. That's the highest he'll give you. The lowest is one."

"Trust me. You won't have to kill me" he said, and I walked off.

** after lunch **

"Come on, Edward, we have to go!" I said impatiently.

"Do I have to come? It's just him" Edward said, following me outside of the Great Hall.

"No, you don't have to come, but I'm not going alone" I replied, wincing in pain at the burning sensation coming from my left arm.

Edward groaned as we both apparated to Voldemort, "what could he possibly want now?" He asked as we opened the door to the room, ignoring the fact our hands touched.

We walked into the room, and turned a corner. When we got there, I stopped. Draco was there, being circled by Lord Voldemort. Once Voldemort noticed Edward and I standing in the room, he came up to me, and I swallowed.

"Your precious boyfriend has came to join you, dear" Voldemort smiled.

"He's not my boyfriend, Lord" I said, cutting my eyes at Voldemort as he then circled Edward and I.

Edward grabbed my hand as Voldemort walked over to Draco again. At the sudden touch, I looked at Edward, and then down at our hands, confused. Edward just shook his head, and looked forward again. Doing the same, I watched Voldemort as he spun Draco around to face us. Voldemort smiled, and I saw that Draco didn't notice our hands.

"How many?" Edward asked.

"One. Simply one. That's all" Voldemort said.

"Who?" I asked, looking down.

Edward squeezed my hand as I looked up again, "Astryx Dane" Voldemort said.

I ignored Draco as he looked down at mine and Edwards hands, "killing off the easy ones my lord?" I asked, a smile on my face.

"Would you rather your cousin, Thomas be killed?" Voldemort asked, both he and Nagini coming to me.

"He has good intentions for my family, my lord. Of course I'd be happy to have him be killed off" I said, looking down at Nagini, who was slithering around the room.

Voldemort smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder, but looked at Draco, "kill both of them. Dane and Bane."

Draco nodded, and the three of us apparated back to Hogwarts. As Edward, Draco and I walked down to Severus Snape's office, I explained the whole order to Draco.

"Basically, you have twenty four hours. A single day. The time has started" I said, looking at Edward.

"If you don't complete the order within the twenty four hours, Tabitha, or I, have to kill you, along with the people you were ordered to kill" Edward finished for me.

"Really, it's simple" I added.

"Just don't think when you do it, if you're scared" Edward laughed, the both of us knowing Draco was slightly scared. Suddenly, I found myself laughing too. We then opened the door to my fathers office and walked in, "oh, and it's best to do it when you see them first. No conversation, that makes it hard" Edward added.

Nodding, I smiled at Draco, and then looked at Edward, "or if you could hide, and then when they're close, do the curse, then that'd be great too."

Draco, taking in everything the two of us said, nodded, "is that everything?" He asked.

Edward and I looked at one another, "yeah. Seems so" we said together.

After half an hour of talking, we all decided we'd go to our next classes. Seeing as we'd missed our first elective class of the day. Due to having to explain to Draco the initiation process. Being a Death Eater was possibly the best decision I've ever made, honestly. It sounds crazy, I know, but it's true.

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