Chapter 11

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When I walked downstairs from my room, I had hoped everyone was still asleep. But no. That, of course, didn't happen. Almost everyone was awake and even Draco was here.

"Happy Birthday!" Draco, Ashton, the house elves and Pip said.

Trying my hardest not to smile like an idiot, I said, "thank you."

"Doesn't my lovely lady look perfect as always" Edward said, hugging me from behind.

"Thank you, but really, I'm no where near perfect. I can promise you that one" I smiled.

He laughed, and all of us walked into the living room. "It's been a busy week, hasn't it?" Ashton asked.

"Very much so. Yesterday, the ball at the Malfoy's that Edward and Tabitha went to. Today, Tabitha's birthday, and tomorrow, all three of you have the Quidditch World Cup" Pip explained, even though all of us knew what had happened during the week.

Pip isn't actually his name, it is just a nickname. His real name is Percival, but as many others had pronounced his name incorrectly, he had decided on a nickname. Percival had chosen the nickname of Pip at the young age of six, when he'd gotten tired of others mispronouncing his name. The only people who call him Percival are the professors, and his brother. I was worried though, about the Quidditch World Cup this year. There are so many new people on our team, and we've had practices every weekend since Christmas Break started. Honestly, I'm sure I'm the most worried, being the captain of the team, and seeing what my teams strengths are. But, I wasn't going to worry about tomorrow today. It's my birthday, and that's what I'm going to focus on.

"What's that you've got?" Pip asked, looking at the Slytherin Locket I was wearing today.

"It's a locket..." I said, not really wanting to mention and explain to him what a Horcrux is.

"But it looks familiar" Pip added, looking at Ashton now.

"It's the Slytherin locket, Percival" Ashton told him.

"The Horcrux?" Pip asked, looking back at me. All I did was nod, and he then looked at Edward, "isn't that the one your great great - however many greats there are - grandpas locket he created?"

Edward nodded, taking my hand in his. For the most part of the afternoon, we hung out in the living room, talking of random things. It wasn't until hours later that all of us went over to the Malfoy's manor. As Bellatrix and Narcissa had wanted me to come back over. Draco had even invited the others to come with us.

** Late that night **

We stayed up later than anyone in the manor. Bellatrix, Lucius, and Narcissa had all left off to bed. As we had at my manor, we were randomly talking.

"Ready for the World Cup tomorrow?" Ashton asked.

"Uh no. Have you seen all the new people on the team? You and Edward are just about the only good new people!" I said, looking at Ashton as if he were crazy, "trust me, I know. I'm the captain and as keeper, I'm basically watching over the game twenty-four seven."

"We're going to win again, I know it" Draco said, rolling his eyes.

"You're going against Ireland again this year. You went against them last year, and won. Shouldn't be hard to win again, even with the new people like us" Edward stated.

I looked up at him, "honestly, Slytherin. Just because we've gone against them before doesn't mean we can't lose" I said, probably more worriedly than I thought.

"You all will do great, because you have a great captain" Pip said, smiling.

"Thanks, bud" Ashton said.

After thirty more minutes, we all decided to go home. Draco had saw us out as we left and went back to my manor. All of the house-elves were finishing up their work, except Nismy. Who had finished her last work when she opened the door for us. Visly was organising her keys on the large key ring she owned. Lokpy and Vadpy were cleaning the kitchen, and Jinsy and Zoory were cleaning different places.
The elves usually went to bed earlier than this. Pip and Ashton went to bed first, Edward and I staying up for a few minutes longer. As we walked up the stairs, we walked in silence. At the top of the stairs on the floor where are rooms are, I turned to him. We weren't exactly and official thing - us dating. Knots of us knew we liked each other, but neither of us had 'confirmed' it you could say.

"What are we?" I asked him.

"Whatever you want us to be" Edward replied.

"Please, Edward. What exactly are we" I prodded.

"Something. A sort of something that could be anything. Anything the two of us want to be. Dating, best friends, anything."

"I think I prefer that first option better, to be honest with you" I said, looking up at him.

He smiled at me, and kissed me, "goodnight, Bane."

Sighing, I turned around and walked into my room. After closing the door, I walked over to my dresser, where I had my pyjamas folded. Once I put them on, I didn't even bother to take off the locket before brushing my teeth and getting in bed. It didn't take me long at all to fall asleep.

** The next day - after the Q.W.C **

The entire team stayed in the middle of the Quidditch Pitch as people left the stadium. Looking around, I saw the Weasleys coming down to the field.

"Nice save on that last one, Bane" Fred said.

"Thanks" I said, looking at their family.

Lucius, Draco's father had also came down, "dinner at my manor, all of you" he said to the Quidditch team.

Looking at the Weasley kids once more, Hermione and Harry, I said, "see you at school in a few days."

We all left the field, Draco, Edward, Ashton and I all lingering in the back of the group, talking.

"So, you two, Percival told me he overheard something last night" Ashton said to Edward and I.

"And what would that be?" Edward replied before I could.

"That you two are now officially a thing" Ashton shrugged.

"Guess you could say that" I said, attempting to avoid any awkwardness.

"You can say that, because it's true" Edward correct me, looking at Ashton.

"Tell Percival "Pip" that he needs to keep his little nose out of our business" I said to Ashton, jokingly.


Horrible chapter, don't kill me, please.


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