Chapter 2

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"Kill them?" The older boy next to me asked as I pulled my robes tighter around me for warmth.

"Yes, kill them" Voldemort said, circling the boy and I.

"My lord, I can't do that in the open. They'll know who it was and expel me!" The boy exclaimed.

"Tabitha, if he doesn't do it-" Voldemort started, but I interrupted.

"Kill him then, along with the other two" I smiled, looking up at the tall boy next to me.

Voldemort had summoned only the random kid next to me and myself. The boy next to me was a Hufflepuff. I've never seen him before at any of the meetings we've had.

"You're new, aren't you?" I asked him as we walked from the forbidden forest back to the school.

"Yes" the Hufflepuff boy said nervously, and you're Voldemorts toy, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not a toy, I'm just loyal" I shrugged, shivering.

"In other words you're his favourite then?"

"That's right, favourite. Just so you know" I started, and then looked at him.


"Just so you know Trent, always do what Lord Voldemort says. Or else you're more than likely to become Naginis dinner."


"My gosh you don't know anything do you? Oh nevermind, just kill the two people he wants you to, and be over it."

He nodded and headed of towards the Hufflepuff common room. Shaking my head, I went to Snapes office. Where Draco and Severus were waiting for me.

"Where'd you go? You just disappeared" Draco said once I sat down.

"Death eater thing for me and some new kid" I explained shortly.

"New kid?" Severus asked, "who?"

"Some Hufflepuff fifth year named Trent. I think his last name is Blackburn?"

Severus nodded, and then started talking about how Dumbledore was onto us. Apparently, Dumbledore had figured out that I wasn't being taught just regular magic. After a good hour of talking, Draco and I left. Severus knew about Dracos "secret" room, but not mine. Which allowed me to hide stuff easily from anybody who didn't know about the room I had. Draco still carried the Mint scent, and I still had the Rosemary scent. When we got back to the common room, it was very late. It was almost one in the morning, but when we came through the wall, Thomas and Astryx were sitting up on the couch.

"And where have you two been?" Thomas asked.

Smirking, I said, "I had a DeathEater thing to go to, new kid joined, initiation type thing."

Astryx looked at me, "you weren't with him?" He asked, seeming surprised.

"No" I lied.

The two then looked towards Draco, "I had to talk with Snape."

When they nodded, we walked into the girls dormitory together, to go to my room. Draco and I gave each other a confused look, "what was that about?" I asked.

"I don't know. Someone had to have snitched on us for being out late or something!" Draco exclaimed, sitting on the edge of my bed.

After putting my wand by Selene's, I walked over to him and leaned back on my bed, "but who would've known?"

"Unless someone was hiding in the common room" Draco said, confused.

"Peeves couldn't have eavesdropped could he?"

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