Chapter 5

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Today, I walked into the Great Hall alone. Draco had officially became apart of my group two days ago, and today was now Friday. Which meant I would be able to go to Hogsmeade tomorrow. It came to me that it was a great thing to do, go there every weekend, to get away. Every time we went on the weekend trips, I'd go off into the forest. Find a tree to sit in, and stay there until I was either hungry or it was time to go. The night Draco had to kill, Edward and I had sat outside, waiting to see the flash of green light. Where we'd then cast the Death Eater spell.

"Morsmordre" I had said, once we saw the green light.

The Dark Mark would remain in the sky until tonight, where I'd again sit outside. Where I would watch it fade away. For the most part, the Great Hall was empty. Most kids already in bed, or having been caught by McGonagall or "father". Personally, I had a note, from father, saying I was allowed to be out, for reasons I don't know. Obviously I hadn't bothered to read the note before putting it in my pocket. I was heading outside when I was suddenly pulled behind a door.

"Draco, what are you doing?" I asked, looking at him.

"Keeping you from trouble, of course. Filch was coming."

Shaking my head, I pulled out the note, "from father" I said, before opening the door again.

Before I could walk out, Draco brought me back in, "going to meet Edward again? Is there something going on between the two of you?"

"No, Malfoy. There's nothing going on between Tabitha and I. Simply just friends" Edward interrupted, allowing me time to slip out of the room and go outside.

Since he'd seen Edward and I holding hands just for that one night, Draco has been onto us. He has been into the fact that we might like each other, when we're just friends. I walked to the Quidditch field, drowning in the darkness. When I got to the centre of the field, I sat down. Looking around me, I sighed, I rarely ever got to be alone. Except for in my own room, where I was sometimes disturbed by Draco or Edward. The Quidditch game that was supposed to happen yesterday, was cancelled. Now, the game would take place on Monday morning. This made our team, the Slytherin team, happy. Only because it allowed us even more practice time and more time to perfect our plans. We were pretty good with coming up on plans, but now that Astryx wasn't there, we needed a new Chaser. The catch is, is that we only have until before the game on Monday morning to find a Chaser. It is Friday night, which means we have two more days to find someone. As I watched the sky, I sighed.

"You can't run forever" Draco said, scaring me slightly.

"I'm not running from anything" I said, looking up at him.

He smiled and sat down next to me, "why are you even out here in complete darkness. Can you even see?"

"Yes, actually I can see. Thank you."

** Saturday morning / Before lunch **

Edward and I walked towards our classes, Draco having left early, was already in Arithmancy. Edward had Transfigurations, which was along the way to Arithmancy, so I was walking with him to his class. When we got to the door to Transfigurations, we stopped outside.

"Now remember, Quidditch practice is after dinner today, tomorrow morning, and also before the game on Monday. Be there" I said, as he was who I'd chosen to be our Chaser for the Slytherin team now.

"I promise" he said, making me smile.

He opened the door to McGonagalls class, and I lingered outside for a moment. Waiting for her voice to yell and ask why he was late. Not too long after he had opened the door and walked in, I heard her voice.

"Mr. Slytherin! Why are you late?! Again!" She yelled.

"I - er - I was" Edward started, not having a good excuse in his head.

The last name took me by surprise. Slytherin. Clearing that thought off, I peeked inside the classroom, "it's my fault, Professor" I said.

"Miss Bane?" McGonagall asked, looking at me in surprise as I walked into the classroom.

Edward turned around, looking at me. Most of the class, filled with Fourth year Slytherins and Gryffindors, also looked at me. Nervously, I nodded, as if to say yes. Edward shook his head and put his books down on his desk. After a moment of silence from McGonagall, she finally went back to her desk, "I will notify your next class teacher that you will not be in class. Take a seat. You'll be staying" she explained.

In attempt to ignore the stares I was receiving, I turned around and sat at an empty desk in the back of the room. Ignoring McGonagall as she taught the class as if I weren't there, I started on my work from previous classes. Which I had lots of. Potions, my own Transfigurations work, and Charms were all of the classes I'd already been to. As I finished on my work, the class seemed to get longer and longer by the second. After closing my books and putting away my work, I stared blankly out a window near me. Every so often, I would notice someone looking back at me, and I'd roll my eyes. Out of boredom, I started listening to McGonagall as she taught the class a new spell. There was a rope that was in flames in front of the class.

"What spell would I use if I wanted to turn this fire into a snake?" She asked the class. With no hands raising with an answer, I slowly raised mine, "miss Bane, you know?"

I nodded, "the fire-to-snake spell, professor."

She nodded, "that snake, would then do what?"

"It would attack a target, or do whatever the caster manipulated it to do" I said, surprised no one had known the answer.

Professor McGonagall then proceeded to cast the transfiguration spell, and I watched as the flame turned to a black snake. Watching as the snake hissed and slithered around the room, I straightened myself. The snake made its way towards Edward and the students sitting by him. Noticing that McGonagall was waiting for a student to either reverse the spell or transfigured the snake into something, I walked towards the front of the class. Before I could realise it, I was speaking to the snake in Parseltongue. I ignored the looks of people as I talked to the snake. Not long after I started talking to the snake, it hissed and slithered away. Only then did McGonagall say the spell 'vipera evanesca', causing the snake to vanish. She looked at me in surprise of how I'd spoken. Smirking, I walked back to my seat at the back of the class. When the class ended, she kept Edward and I behind, and I'd guessed the two of us would be getting detention. Which, not to my surprise, was true. As Edward and I walked out of the class in complete silence, I sighed.

"Sorry" I said, looking over at him as we headed to the Great Hall for lunch.

"What's there to be sorry for?" Edward asked, looking at me nervously.

"Because I got you detention, and now you're going to miss being able to hang out with your actual friends for once" I said, crossing my arms, "and what's with the nervous look?"

"I get detention all the time, and who said you weren't my friend?" He asked, almost reading my mind, "and nothing. Nothing at all."

Groaning, I leaned against a wall, "I know that you're only talking to me because of this whole group thing. That being said, I know I'm not actually your friend."

"You are, Bane" he said, putting his hand on the wall above my head.

I looked into his eyes, "either you're really good at lying, or really good at keeping a serious face when you're joking around. Even though they're sort of the-"

He put his other hand on the wall above my head, "I volunteered myself to be in your group, Tabitha. So I could get to know the famous Tabitha Bane everyone loves, the so-said Heir of Slytherin" he sighed, "the girl who erased herself from her own parents lives, and, what everyone seems to complain about, that you attract all of the attractive guys."

Blankly, I looked at him, "if anyone is the Heir of Slytherin, its you."

"Because I'm a part of the Slytherin family? Come on, Bane. Everyone thinks it's you. Or that Malfoy kid" Edward laughed.

"It's not Dr-" I started, but then changed the subject slightly, "he doesn't like you, does he?"

Edward shook his head, "not really, but it's worth it, because I get the chance to be near you whenever I want. For the most part, at least."

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