Chapter 10

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"Come on, Edward!" I said as I came out of my bathroom, dressed in my dress for the ball, "it's not going to be that bad. Besides, if-" I started, as Draco walked into my room.

"Evening, Tabitha" Draco said, leaning against the wall.

"Evening, Draco" I said, putting on my necklace.

After a long pause of silence, Draco spoke up, "can I talk to you Tabs?"

"Yeah, sure" I said, walking out of my room with Draco.

Draco closed the door to my bedroom, and I waited for him to say something. He took a breath and looked me in the eyes, "all I want to know, is are you two you know, dating or whatever" Draco said rather than asked.

"Sort of, its... complicated" I said softly, looking down at my nails, which I'd done last night.

"Tab, I'm not mad or anything. If you two are, I'm fine with it."

"Not mad?" I asked, looking up at him, "you seemed pretty mad yesterday."

"I'm not mad, Tabitha" he said finally as the door to my bedroom opened, and Edward stepped out. It was time to go. Draco turned to Edward and sighed, "just be good to her" he said, "be good for her."

Edward and I made our way downstairs. Occasionally, is see someone j knew and say hello.

** after the Ball **

"Tabitha, please, stay for late dinner. Edward can come too" Draco smiled.

Looking at Edward, who only shrugged, I said "alright. I'll stay."

Edward, Draco and I sat in the living room. All of us had changed, and I was now in sport shorts and a hoodie. Draco being Draco, had to bring up the whole situation between Edward and I.

"Draco, I told you earlier" I said under my breath, messing with one of the strings on my hoodie. Honestly, even I wasn't sure what mine and Edwards status was.

"Can't I just hear his side of it for once?" Draco asked, looking at Edward.

"It's not official... yet" Edward said, and I looked over at Draco.

"As I said, it's complicated" I interrupted, leaning my head on Edwards shoulder as I continued messing with the string on my hoodie.

Draco nodded, and looked at Edward, "because someone here won't accept the fact I'm older than her" Edward stated.

"Won't accept it?" Draco asked.

Sighing, I looked over to Draco, "it's more like, I don't want he and I to turn out like Astryx and I did."

"What happened between you two?" Edward asked.

Leaning back, I looked at Draco, and then to Edward. Finally, I groaned, "basically he lied to me and cheated on me and all this other stuff."

Edward looked at Draco, almost as if he was looking for confirmation. Draco nodded after looking to me.

"Why would he cheat on her though? She's freaking" Edward looked from Draco to me, "amazing."

A few minutes later, someone walked in the room and told us dinner was ready. As if we had been controlled, all three of us got up at the same time and walked into the dining room.

"Oh how nice to see you here, miss Tabitha Malfoy!" Dobby said, surprised I was still at the manor.

Forcing a smile, I nodded, and continued to my spot at the table next to Bellatrix. While Bellatrix sat to my left, Edward sat to my right. Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco across from us. Over our late dinner, we talked of different things. Bellatrix and Narcissa were most excited by the fact my birthday was tomorrow. Lucius, Draco, and Edward were most interested in the Quidditch World Cup being the day after my birthday. It wasn't a surprise, that the three of them hadn't been at all interested in the talk of what I had planned for my birthday. Honesty, if I weren't so happy about my birthday, I would be talking about the Quidditch World Cup too. Bellatrix and Narcissa were talking to me about how they had the perfect dress or outfit. Although, as usual, I'd already had a dress specifically made for me. In effort to make the two of them happier, I offered that I'd wear my dress during the day, and for the evening, wear the dress they had. When dinner was done, Edward and I looked at one another.

"Well, we'd better get back to my manor. Pip and Ashton must be wondering where we've been" I said, looking at everyone.

"Just promise me you'll be here tomorrow evening. Or we're going to be coming to you. Whether you're ready or not" Bellatrix said, happily.

"Alright, alright, Bella. Leave the girl alone" Narcissa said, allowing Edward, Draco, and I to leave the room.

"I guess I'll be seeing you two tomorrow then?" Draco asked.

"No promises" I smiled, "but yes. You'll see at least one of us tomorrow."

With that, both Edward and I left. Appearing at the iron gates to my manor, I sighed as I pulled out my wand. Often, I'd forget the charms we'd placed over our entire manor at night. No persons were allowed in, or even out of the manor unless they had the right password, which did in fact require either - of course - a wand belonging to a Bane or a Malfoy. Instead of only tracing the "B" on the gates, I'd had to say a few incantations to break the protective charms over the manor. The gates then opened, and after stepping inside the gates, I murmured the protective charms. Putting the enchantments back on the manor. As our family often put various spells over things we owned, our manor was the top priority. There were at least ten enchantments over just the manor itself, not including things inside my home. All of the spells on my manor were protection charms. It wasn't just the fact we'd occasionally had Azkaban guards around our manor before, it was just for the safety of the people within. When I was little, wuite a few of my aunts and uncles had placed these protection charms. And ever since I learned these charms, I'd been keeping them on the manor.

The door opened, and I walked inside with Edward, "thank you, Nismy. You are now relieved of all your duties for the rest of the night. Go and get some rest if you wish" I said cheerfully as she closed the door.

Not far after Nismy closed the door, Visly came and locked the door. She then ran off, and locked every door in the manor except for everyone's rooms. As Edward walked towards the lift, I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. There, Lokpy and Vadpy were cleaning up the kitchen. After closing the refrigerator, I looked at the father and son.

"Once you two are done cleaning your workspace, go and rest. Tell any others that are still awake that they're allowed to rest too" I said, before walking mover to the lift.

Pressing the "3" button, I yawned. It had been a long night. Eventful, too. and tomorrow was my birthday, so as usual, I'd again be waking early. Glancing over to Edwards door as I stepped out of the lift, I made my way to my room.

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