Chapter 3

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Edward followed me to the entrance of the school after I left. He was attempting to get me to talk. Which, for him, wasn't going well at all. On the other hand, I started thinking of why Lord Voldemort would give me my own small group. Was I that important to him? Possibly. After all, I am his favourite death eater, as I am just that loyal. Edward was also a Slytherin. A fourth year I have never met before, until tonight. He sat with Draco and I at dinner, still attempting to get me to talk.

"Who is this?" Draco asked, looking Edward up and down with a disgusted look on his face.

"Her new... assistant" Edward replied, looking at me.

Draco looked at me, "is this true?" He asked, a hint of anger in his voice.

"Unfortunately" I spoke, and then went back to eating.

Once Draco realised I wasn't going to say much more than that, he asked Edward about Tryx. As Edward started telling the story, I moved down to the opposite end of the table. I hadn't wanted to hear it all again. Knowing I'd most likely cry at the mere thought of the death.

'No one ever sees Tabitha Bane cry' I thought to myself. It was the truth in the end. That was a part of myself I didn't show, the part of me that felt pain and sadness. I'd openly let out my anger, or even happiness, but pain and sadness, that never happened. When I was finished with my dinner, I got up and walked out of the Great Hall. Avoiding the corridor where he had been killed, I took another route to the Slytherin common room.

"You can't run forever, you know" Astryx said from behind me.

Ignoring him, I kept walking. When I got to the wall that opened to our common room, I quickly spoke the password, "PureBlood" and walked in.

"Tabitha, talk to me, I know exactly how you feel, he was my brother" Astryx said.

Was. That's the word that hit me. It was the one word that made me realise Tryx was actually gone, that he was never going to come back. Feeling the hot tears starting to roll down my face, I quickly ran into the girls dormitory. Just as I slid behind the Slytherin tapestry and into my room, I heard the door open and close. Astryx had probably followed me. Slowly, I walked over to a wall, I looked at the painting of the night sky hanging there. If you said the correct answer to whatever question appeared on the painting, you'd be allowed inside, to a dark room. Where only the light of a single green lamp lit the room.

** later that night **

After a few hours had passed, I left the girls dormitory. In the common room, Draco, Astryx and Thomas sat talking to each other. Astryx gave me a surprised look as I sat down next to Draco.

"What are you looking at, Astryx?" I asked, confused.

"Yep. She's back" Astryx stated, nodding.

For the night, there wasn't any mention of the Quidditch game that was literally two days away. Everyone avoided talking about it. Nobody knew why, just none of us were feeling right.

"Maybe it's because nothing is going to be the same next year" Marcus said, looking over at Draco and I.

"Probably. You won't be here, we'll have no awesome Chaser or amazing team Captain" I replied.

"I'm not that good, come on. You and Draco are the best on the team. You two are the best players Slytherin has had in probably a century" Marcus gave a look to me.

Rolling my eyes, I looked up at Draco, who was yawning, "you should go to bed, Malfoy."

"Not now" Draco said, yawning once more.

Sitting up, I looked at him, "really, go to bed."

"But I'm not even tired, Bane!"

Rolling my eyes, I stared at him, "I know when you're tired, Draco Lucius Malfoy. With the countless times I've spent the entire night with you, trust me, I know" I smiled. 

It wasn't until thirty minutes later that Draco actually went up to bed, leaving me with the rest of the boys. That was when the Quidditch conversation came up. Astryx and Marcus started talking about ways to beat Ravenclaw, as we'd figured out their plans. As they talked, I wrote notes and drew plans on many pieces of parchment. Thomas stayed quiet for most of the time, occasionally speaking out his suggestions. While Edward, who sat beside me, looked over my notes and drawings. Honestly, I have to admit, he wasn't that bad. We stayed up for hours, figuring out how to best Ravenclaw. All five of us at a large table in the common room, sitting for many minutes before standing up occasionally. With the excitement, none of us were tired. We all knew Slytherin had to win all of our games this year. We'd almost lost a game last year, which proved we hadn't been doing enough for the team. This year, we started training harder than last tear. The few new second years on the team always complained. I had to keep myself from yelling at them. It was all I could do to even try and ignore them. It wasn't until it was a few hours before breakfast that we all went to bed to get a little bit of sleep. Edward and I were the last two to head up to bed, as I was collecting my notes and drawings. He'd insisted on not leaving my side until bedtime.

"I don't like those two" Edward said after the other three boys left.


"Thomas and Astryx. Thomas is weird, and Astryx has always been a little odd, don't you think?" Edward asked, following me into the girls dormitory.

"We'll just have to give Thomas some time, none of us have known him that long" I stated, stopping in front of the Slytherin Tapestry that hung on the wall, "and I guess you're right about Astryx, but most people see right through that."

"Like you" Edward said, "are we going to go to your room or not? People are starting to wake up."

"That was last year, Edward. Also, that's just Millicent and Pansy. They wake up early to shower, but yes. Because neither of them know" I said, walking behind the tapestry and through the wall.

"Who knows about this place anyways?" He asked, looking around. 

"Not many people. Other than you, only Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise and Marcus know" I said while putting my wand away next to Selene's. When I turned around, the thought came to me, "did Voldemort tell you about my room or something?"

"Sort of. Before I became part of your group, I'd heard rumours of you disappearing at night like your great aunt Selene. Figured you'd have a secret place or something."

Slowly, I nodded, looking up at the ceiling as it changed, "and you're willing to let me lead you as a death eater?"

"Of course. You're Tabitha Bane. Not only are you Lord Voldemort's most faithful follower, but you're his favourite. He trusts you, Tabitha."

"More like he wants me to think that. I'd believe it if he stopped with the death threats on Draco" I scowled.

Edward gave me a look, "Tabitha, you know that it's his way of testing your loyalty."

"I guess" I said, yawning, "well I'm going to bed. I'll see you in a few hours. Just check and make sure no one sees you coming out of my room."


What do you think about Tabitha leading her own small group of Death Eaters?

and Edward omfg I'm going to like him. 😂

Honestly, I swear he just randomly came into the story line as I was writing.

- Gracesen

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