Chapter 12

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You can't always expect great things to happen in your life. Many, many things will enter your life, and then one day, they leave. It's not always a person, or a pet. Even inanimate object can leave. To put it simply, things come, and things go. They don't stick around forever, or for as long as you want them to. Things also don't leave quicker than you wish they would. Take for example, an annoying aunt you wish would just leave you alone. Say you wish that aunt came for a small visit, but then decides she's going to stay for a day, or perhaps even two.

Those are just a few simple thoughts that constantly cross my mind. It's what keeps me from taking stuff for granted. A lot of people don't get to have a say in a lot of what happens to them like I do. You see, I chose to not have my parents in my life. For the most part, at least. Yes, they made their minds to move off to Romania after a visit there. But I was the one who'd chosen to use the memory charm on my parents. Others don't get to have that option. Some kids are born, and their parents instantly give them away, or their parents die. It's stuff that often happens, but you just never hear about it. We came back from Christmas Break two weeks ago. With OWLs coming along quickly, I've been nonstop studying. There was no way I was going to let my grades drop. To be quite honest, my grades are a roller coaster that only goes up. A roller coaster that once it gets to the top of the bump, it stops, stays, and maybe drops a few centimetres. Then, the process of it making its way to the top of the hill starts again. It's a never ending cycle of staying at the top, dropping a little, and then going back up. For days now, I've avoided almost any time with my friends to study. Often, my friends would ask me to study with them just so they could get some talking of of me. Or even to see me out of class. This was honestly the hardest I've studied for OWLs in the three years I've been attending Hogwarts. I wanted to keep my grades high. Be the top of my class, you could say.

When lunchtime came, I made my way to Potions with my books. I always found it easier to bring my books to classes before I even had them. Once I closed the door, I headed towards the Great Hall. Sitting in my spot next to Draco, I noticed Pansy.

"And where've you been these past two weeks?" I asked her, "I've not seen you at all."

"Studying. How about yourself?" She replied, looking at me shockingly.

"I've also been studying."

She nodded, "thought so," and turned to talk to Millicent.

After lunch was over, I said goodbye to Edward and all of my other above-year friends I had. Draco, Pansy, and I walked to Potions together.

"Honestly" Pansy said, "I don't understand your relationship at all." She looked from Draco, to me, "one day you two are all couple-y, and then the next day you two like hate each other or something."

Draco shrugged, "it's just how we are."

"And is the whole "my father will hear about this" thing some sort of way you two communicate or something?" Pansy asked, crossing her arms.

"Not really" Draco stated, but I finished for him.

"But really, I mean, we're both stuck-up rich, PureBlood kids. What can you expect? For us to say 'oh my owl will hear about this?'"

Pansy rolled her eyes at us as we walked into the Potions classroom. She's annoying, honestly. But she's tolerable. To be real, the only time she's not tolerable is if you have to work with her. When you work with Pansy, it's more she's complaining that you're doing something wrong because you didn't read the directions. Or listen to what the professor said, when really, she's the one who either didn't read the directions or listen to the professor. She's a nightmare, honestly. After Potions, I walked alone to Defence Against the Dark Arts class. Professor Lupin was by far my favourite DADA teacher. When I got into the class, I walked to my seat, at the back of the classroom. It's one of the more boring classes, but it's not exactly horrible. The worst class is Astronomy. Really, like who wants to go to a class at midnight?


"Where's Flint?" I asked after noticing he wasn't present.

"Talking to your father, Bane" one of Marcus's friends said.

Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms, "let me guess, he's failing again."

"Probably" Edward said, breaking away from Draco and a few others.

"With or without him, we're starting Quidditch practice. As I've said before, anyone can be replaced." I said, starting to get impatient. A second year laughed, and I smirked, "think I'm funny do you? Let's see how funny you think I am when I replace you."

When practice was over with, we all went back to the common room. At dinner time, we left and took our separate seats at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall. While eating, most conversation had drowned out and nobody was talking. It was after we ate that we started to talk.


The three of us were sitting in my room when my arm started burning again. Draco and Edward looked at me, almost as if I were crazy. I'd pressed my hand as hard as I could on my dark mark.

"I'll be back" I sighed before disappearing.

"You think you've enough nerve to kill?" I overheard Voldemort ask someone as I walked up the stairs of the shrieking shack.

"Who's there?" The all too familiar voice asked as I stood in the shadows of the doorway.

"Come in, my beloved Tabitha" Voldemort spoke.

Rolling my eyes as I stepped out into the light, I looked at Alexander Trivell, "and it seems you're choosing my friends. To either kill or join my group, Voldemort" I laughed.

"The best for one of my best, perhaps?" Voldemort said, looking at Alexander. After looking him up and down, he spoke up again, "one for you. But who?" He trailed off.

Silently, I stood waiting for a name, or maybe even a description. Alexander looked at me the same way Edward and Draco had. As if I were crazy. And I am.


Shorter chapter? Yep.

I have Cheer practice in two days. Pray for me because it's a choreo practice. Which means it's going to literally kill everyone on my team 😂

Going to go prepare for death brb.

Jk but anyways, hope everyone's Fourth of July was great. Mine was a 9 on a 1-10 scale. Only because I threw up a little at 3 am the next day. 😂 I'm all good though.

- Gracesen

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