Chapter 7

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It's been two days. Two days of forcing myself to avoid eye contact with Draco at all times. It's now Wednesday. Meaning we have Astronomy tonight, if it isn't storming. Hopefully, it will storm. To me, Astronomy is a useless class. Lord Voldemort hasn't called on me for another addition to my group lately. Which allowed me to actually be able to finish my mornings work after lunch for a change.

"Have you been able to face your boggart yet?" Edward asked as he sat next to me at dinner.

Even with me avoiding Draco, I still sat with him at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, "not yet" I said finally.

"I'd not be surprised if nothing happened" Draco spoke up randomly.

"You don't think she's afraid of anything?" Edward asked him.

"Exactly. She doesn't seem to have that much fear in her. Tab always takes big risks and everything like that" Draco stated. Which was very true.

"Honestly, I'm pretty sure I'm afraid of something at least" I said, looking at Edward, and eventually at Draco.

"Guess we'll find that out for sure today, Tab" Draco said with a smile.

"What's your boggart, anyways, Malfoy?" Edward asked.

Draco looked at me, and shook his head. Smiling, I looked to Edward, "his boggart, like many others, is Voldemort."

Both Edward and I stifled a laugh, "but you're a death eater, how can you fear him?" Edward asked.

Draco shrugged, and left for Defence Against the Dark Arts class. Looking towards Edward, I sighed.

"Guess I should go too" I said, standing up.

Edward nodded and walked with me to Defence Against the Dark Arts. When we got to the door, we stopped outside.

"What do you suppose it'll be?" He asked me.

"Well, probably my own dead body I suppose" I said, looking at him nervously.

"The same boggart as Tom Marvolo Riddle?" Edward asked.

"Yeah, honestly, I can't really think of anything else it could be."

He laughed, "well, I'll see you after class. I'll be waiting for you here."

When he walked away, I turned around and walked through the doors into the classroom. Many people had already faced their boggarts. A whole lot of them being Voldemort, Ron Weasley's was a spider, Hermione Grangers was being told she failed exams. Carrying on, Harry Potters boggart was a pathetic Dementor, Seamus Finnigans was a banshee. Padma Patils was a cobra, Dean Thomas's a disembodied living hand, and Neville Longbottom had a boggart of my father, Severus Snape.

"Tabitha Bane" Professor Lupin said, and I made my way through the crowd of students, "ready?"

"As always, Professor" I said, looking at the boggart as it changed from Voldemort, who was also the fear of Millicent Bulstrode.

Now, lying in front of me, as my boggart, was my own dead body. Just as I had guessed. Standing there, I looked from my boggart to Professor Lupin. How does one even think of something funny to change their dead body into. I can't imagine my dead body dressed in grandma clothes like Neville had done with his boggart.

Professor Lupin then got the Boggart back into the closet and said, "that'll be all for today."

** in the common room **

Edward, Draco, Marcus and I sat in the common room on the couches. I had just told Edward my boggart.

"So wait. You've the same boggart as Tom Marvolo Riddle? Voldemort?" Marcus asked.

"Apparently" I said, nodding.

"So you are afraid of at least one thing. But how can your own dead body be a fear?" Draco asked.

"Just like how can you be a Death Eater but still be afraid of Lord Voldemort. And Flint, why are you afraid of him?" I replied.

Draco glared at me, and Marcus shrugged, "honestly, even I don't know about that one, Bane" Marcus said.

I looked at Edward, "and, if I may, what is your boggart, Slytherin?"

"I've encountered my boggart twice. One time it was the same as Tabitha's boggart. The second time, most recently, it became the dead body of the one I love" Edward said, not taking his eyes off of me.

From across me, I could see Draco roll his eyes. As any smart person would've done, I ignored him. Draco, slightly like me, didn't like to show his feelings. Although, he does have less fear of destroying people than I do. That's why I keep my feelings to myself most of the time. Which ends up destroying me, but I've always figured that's better than destroying someone else. I guess you could say it's why I erased myself from my parents lives. Now, I was sitting, staring past Edward, and at a window, looking into the lake surrounding the school. In my three years of being at Hogwarts, I'd only seen the Giant Squid once. The shadow of it as it passed by one of the windows in our common room. It seemed odd to me, the fact that it was just a regular giant squid. Not magical or anything. For the remainder of the night, I sat up at the desk in my room. I sat, talking to one of the portraits on the wall. Which, thankfully, talked back to me. That's one of the things I've always liked about our world. Things that you don't see in the Muggle world, are here. Things Muggles can only imagine, are real here.

** two days later **

"Where is Draco?!" I asked, becoming inpatient waiting for the boy, "we have a practice to get over with!"

"He's probably getting his broom, Bane" Marcus said, looking up at the school.

"Just go get him. I know that you have an exact idea of where he is" I said, turning around and walking off as I finished, "I can replace him just as easily as I replaced Astryx."

One of the boys on the team looked at me, "you wouldn't really replace Malfoy would you?"

"Don't underestimate me, Michaelis" I sneered, "I'll replace anyone and everyone on this team if I have to."

"Speaking of replacements. Where's your boyfriend?" Marcus asked.

"I don't ha-" I started, but was interrupted.

"Right here" Edward smirked, walking up from behind me.

Marcus rolled his eyes and walked towards the school. To get Draco, I assumed. When he was a distance away, I turned to Edward. Pressing my hand against his chest, I looked up "now he's literally going to tell Draco. Why would you even say that! We aren't even dating."

Edward shrugged, "you like me. Face it, Bane. You can't keep away from me" he said, smiling.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I laughed slightly "no. I don't like you. Oh, and I can keep away from you."

As Draco was coming with Marcus, Edward leaned down and whispered in my ear, "you know you love me" and walked away.

"Prove it then!" I yelled after him.

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