Chapter 6

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At the game yesterday, the only thing I could think of was winning. Even though I am a Keeper, I had kept watch out for the snitch when I had the chance. Draco had been above me, watching over the game, looking for the snitch also. When I had looked up at him, I noticed the snitch, and had pointed it out to him. The snitch being right there had allowed for an easy win, only five minutes into the game. It was only after the game that or entire team had skipped the first class of the day to enjoy our win.

"Have you noticed, that ever since Tabitha became Keeper, and Draco became Seeker, we haven't lost a single game?" Marcus asked, as if he hadn't noticed before.

"Flint, I'm pretty sure they've all noticed. We've been on the team since our first year, anyone who can see knows we're the best Slytherin has had in decades" Draco pointed out, a little rudely.

"What's gotten into you?" Marcus asked.

Slowly, I got up from the couch and went up to the girls dormitory. As no one was there except Millicent's annoying cat, I walked into my room without looking around. Not too long after going into my room and picking up Selene's wand, did Edward come in. When he came in, I was changing the charm on my room, using Selene's wand.

"Why'd you leave?" Edward asked, watching as I changed the charm on my room.

"Well, Marcus wanted to know what's gotten into Draco, and, knowing well enough I am part of the reason, I decided to leave."

"That way Draco could tell Marcus" Edward concluded.

"Right you are, Slytherin" I smiled.

"Let me guess, his problem is that you're hanging out with me a lot. Leading him to think you and I, are a thing" Edward said, stepping closer to me as I put away Selene's wand.

"Right again, Slytherin" I said, turning around to face him, "that's exactly his problem. He thinks you and I are a thing, and he wants me away from you."

"Personally, I don't think that's going to happen" Edward started, "I'm quite sure you won't be getting away."

"And why is that?" I asked, leaning against the desk behind me.

"Because I think that you" he smirked, "might like me."

"Let's see, the last time I liked and dated a fourth year, that ended up being the worst decision of my life. Then he found himself getting killed, only a few days after his own twin brother was killed" I stated.

"Doesn't mean you can't like me."

"Let's say that's a correct statement and take into account the anger that would cause Draco. Let's also take in the fact that you'd be pissing off just about every single one of your friends, and pretty much every girl who knows you" I started, and didn't finish.

"Maybe that's true, but so are the feelings" Edward said, and I walked over to him.

"I, have feelings? For you?" I laughed, "now, let's say that's true and I actually do have feelings for you. Your parents would then probably kill me if I did date you, or Draco would. Whoever gets to me first" I finished, not noticing Draco, who was now in my room.

"If that were to happen, they'd have to get through me before either of them could touch you" Edward replied, now noticing Draco standing in my room.

Following his eyes, I looked over, and saw him too. I could see it in his eyes, the anger, "so you do have a thing with-"

"Edward Slytherin" I replied, almost too quickly, "but no. There's no thing between he and I, Draco."

"Then why" Draco asked, "are you always with him!?"

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