Chapter 14

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"How do you even come up with stuff like this?!" Ron asked, walking into his room for the summer. Which I had decorated with all of his favourite things I knew of.

"Well, you are going to be here all summer, and I wanted you to feel comfortable in my manor. You probably found it horrible so I wanted to make it not-so-horrible for you" I explained shortly.

"It's great, Tabitha. It was great before and now it's even greater" Ron said, looking around.

"Thank you for that, I guess" I smiled, "dinner will be done shortly."

Walking down the long hallway, I made my way to my room, which I had even redecorated. A few minutes later, I walked over to Edwards room, knocking on the door although it was open.

"Tab, what did I tell you, just walk in" Edward said from the back of his room.

"Sorry that I'm cautious and didn't want to walk in on you and someone else" I said, waiting for him to turn around.

"And by someone else I'm hoping you don't mean I'd be messing with you."

"Of course not, I trust you" I said as we left to go downstairs to the kitchen.

By now, I had shown everyone who didn't already know their way around my manor around. After also explaining the names of the house elves and their jobs, the house elves had gone back to their work. Over dinner, I explained to everyone who was unaware of the spells over my manor that they were there.

"If any of you wish to leave at night for any reason, talk to me. As I am the only one aware of which spells there are, and how to counter them" I said at the end of dinner.

After dinner was over, we all went separate ways. With it being the first day of summer, not everyone was here at my manor. Also with that, most people were tired, and had went straight to their rooms after dinner. Only Ron and I stayed up after dinner.
Fred and George had only went up to their rooms to enjoy the fact there was an enchantment on the wall connecting their rooms. The enchantment allowed them to walk and throw stuff through the walls. With that being placed, there was also a rubber effect charm placed on items in their room to keep from breaking everything there. Ashton occasionally came down with Pip through the night to make sure he came back to bed.

"You play for that Quidditch team every year, don't you?" Ron asked me.

"Yeah, why?"

"When are the tryouts?"

"Three days from now, Monday morning. Early Monday morning" I said, looking over at him.

"Draco said tryouts were at lunchtime though" Ron said, confused.

"They are. It's just our coach, Josh Fletch loves the early comers. Get up and go with me and you'll most likely make the team. You're good, really good" I smiled.

"What does it matter if I'm already good?"

"Ron, just because you're good doesn't mean you'll already have a spot on the team. If you make a good impression, you're definitely going to get on the team. The only reason Draco said tryouts are at lunch time is because he and I already have permanent spots on the team. You could too if you make a good impression."

"I just won't get Keeper though, because you're that. And I won't get Seeker because that's Draco's position" Ron said, more to himself than me.

** The next morning **

When I woke up this morning, it was early. Very early. Before I left my room, I brushed my hair, and my teeth. As I walked down the stairs I ran my hand along the railing. When I got downstairs, I hadn't bothered waking up any of the house elves. After making myself a cup of tea, I walked into the living room and sat down on the smaller sofa. It wasn't until a half an hour later that I went upstairs.

"What are you even doing up so early?" Edward asked, coming up behind me as I opened my bedroom door.

"Same question goes for you" I said, walking back into my room.

Edward yawned, "you're so complicating" he said sleepily, laying down on my bed.

"You're cute when you're sleepy" I said, going into my closet and taking out some clothes.


Nismy was almost constantly opening and closing the door for guests that were arriving. Visly was showing them to their rooms, Lokpy and Vadpy were cooking lunch. Zoory and Jinsy were cleaning up a few places in the manor. Later today, the Weasley twins, and Ron are going to get Harry. Edward had fallen asleep as he was laying on my bed early this morning. Millicent Bulstrode was one of the first to arrive today. Shortly followed by Malcolm Baddock, the annoying boy I'd been talking abut to Ron. Crabs and Goyle had came over late last night, at Draco's request. Roland Abberley, a Ravenclaw, just arrived as I walked up to the great entrance door. He walked over to Visly, who then rushed him down the hallway. Zoe Accrington, a newly made friend of mine, arrived a few minutes before lunch. Zoe is very nice, I don't understand how she fit into the Slytherin House honestly. By the time everyone arrived in the enlarged dining room, lunch had just been served.

Father doesn't really approve of this whole idea of a summer-long party. Though, I do have to agree with him in some ways. The house elves will constantly be busy, leading to a lack of sleep. Along with that, it's going to be a bit of a hassle putting up with a house full of guests. Literally. Almost every room in my manor is full. I've had to place an expanding charm on a few rooms, such as the dining room and kitchen. Not only that, but Draco, Alexander, Edward and I will have to avoid any Death Eater talk. We can't - or at least I can't - just randomly leave my manor and not tell my guests where I'm headed to. They can, just not myself. Other than those things, I don't thinks this is a bad idea at all. I've even taken the time to decorate - magically - each persons room to fit their liking. Also, the party technically isn't all summer. My guests are free to leave from the party to go back to their own homes at any time. I've just got many things planned to do, in case enough people decide to stay literally all summer long. Although, I'm quite sure most people will want to go back home in about a month.


Horrible chapter... don't kill me, please. The next chapter is going to have a bit of an odd beginning, but hopefully it's not confusing.

- Gracesen 🐍💚

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