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3rd POV
(First couple of chapters are short but they'll get longer)

Savva was sound asleep in his tent when he heard a loud noise, like leaves crunching and twigs snapping. He snapped his eyes wide and saw the towering, burly man's form casting a silhouette on his tent. He massaged his eyes, and his breath caught as he questioned the veracity of what he was seeing. When his eyes opened again, the shadow had vanished. He took a small swallow, then reached for his water bottle and pulled on his jacket. It didn't matter if he left everything behind—he could always return in the morning to retrieve it—he had to get out. He carefully unzipped his tent and peered out to survey the surroundings. It was utterly dark.

Grasping his flashlight, he switched it on, only to find that the light was flickering.

Fuck. Please just work. Shaking the flashlight slightly, he begged himself. He breathed a sigh of relief as it stopped flickering. Thank you. Grinning, he stepped out of his tent, closed it, and put on his shoes. He aimed the light at the surroundings, but all he could see were the woods.

He trekked onward, feeling nothing but anxiety as he grew weary of his surroundings. Still, he rationalized them, wishing they were creatures. As he ventured deeper into the forest, he gradually came to the realization that he was lost and could not recognize anything around him. He slapped himself across the face with his hand as soon as he felt the panic set in. Get it together, He whispered.

He paused to survey his surroundings and attempt to figure out if he could follow his path again. He searched his pockets for his phone, found it, took it out, and checked to see if he had a signal, but there was none. He didnt know what to do. He softly exhaled. Rubbing his temples in an attempt to calm his nerves.

He suddenly felt a presence behind him and froze as the heat from the unidentified presence spread to him. He heard their heavy breath. He was at a loss for what to do. Should he run? Beg? or let them carry out their intended course of action?

But before he could even make up his mind, something heavy struck the back of Savva's head, causing him to collapse to the ground with blood oozing from the freshly opened wound. And as he lost consciousness, he felt someone's gloved hand brush against his face. Then darkness consumed.


Sorry for the short chapter, after a few chapters they'll get longer. And sorry if after the first 10 chapters, the updates are slow, I've been trying to write as much as I can, but I've been really fucking busy and am trying to get a job on top of that. Also, one of my friends helped me with this, which is why there's two names


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