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The Next Day

Savva stood beside the kitchen window, leaning against it as he stared down at Levi. It was nice out today, so he had decided to work on something out there. He was cutting some wood, and had been measuring it earlier.

But Savva wasn't paying attention to whatever it was that Levi had been working on. He was paying attention to Levi. The way his muscles would tense every time he took his saw out and began to cut. The sweat that would drip down his neck, sweat trickling down his neck, tiny beads that would glisten under the sunlight.

Physically, he was a perfect specimen. So why would he pick Savva when he could have anyone he wanted.

"Maybe 'cause he's a fucking murderer." Savva chuckled to himself shaking his head, before looking back to Levi, admiring him.

Savva wanted to hate Levi. He wanted to 'want' to leave. He wanted to feel disgusted by him. But, he didnt. He didn't hate Levi. He didn't want to leave. He didn't feel disgusted by Levi. He wanted Levi to hold him close at night and he wanted it to be like that every night, and Savva couldn't help but feel conflicted by his thoughts.

'He watched me piss. Ejaculated just by smelling me. He can't be trusted.' He thought to himself, his brows furrowing slightly. 'But he has changed a little bit. He doesn't watch me piss anymore, and he's learning to respect my boundaries.' Savva glanced down at his hands, fiddling with them. His nerves starting to get the best of him.

He moved away from the window, and leaned his forearms against a nearby counter, letting out an annoyed groan shaking his head.

As Savva stood there, distracted by his racing thoughts, he didn't seem to notice as Levi entered the kitchen. He stayed quiet as he went to stand behind Savva, observing him for a moment.

He reached forward, lightly brushing his hand over the back of Savva's bicep. Savva flinched at the sudden contact, quickly turning around. But upon seeing Levi, he let out a soft breath of relief and leaned back against the counter.

"Don't scare me." He breathed out with a slight pant. Levi tilted his head to the side, eyeing Savva up and down.

"What's wrong?" Levi asked, somehow noticing that there was something off with him. Savva's mouth opened as if he wanted to say something, but no words came out. So he just closed his mouth, letting out a nervous laugh. Levi took a small step closer, towering over Savva. "A-are you mad at me?" Levi whispered out, slipping into some sort of submission. Savva's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Why would I be mad at you?" He asked confused, "Do I have a reason to be mad?" He went on. Levi stepped even closer, placing his hands on the counter behind Savva, with him in between.

"Maybe." He whispered, lowering his voice. He sounded guilty, and somewhat ashamed, which isn't an emotion Savva has seen from Levi before.

"Did you do something...bad?" Savva asked unsure of what to do. Levi nodded lightly, as he placed his forehead on Savva's shoulder, as if to hide his face. "What did you do?" He asked.

"You'll be mad if I tell you." Levi said, making Savva worry. He wondered if maybe it'd be better if he didn't know the bad thing Levi had done, but, his curiosity was getting the better of him.

"I might be, and I might not be," He said, but Levi stayed silent. Savva hesitated, taking in a deep breath, the thick smell of pine mixed with sweat filling his lungs, he brought up his hand, placing it on the back of Levi's head, gently rubbing it. "Just tell me what happened." He said in a gentle tone, continuing to rub the back of Levi's head.

"Last night, while i was holding you, I ejaculated." He whispered, clearly sounding remorseful. "I didn't mean to, I was asleep when it happened." He went on, his voice full of shame.

Savva hesitated. This wasn't what he had expected...he didn't even know what to expect.

"It was an accident?" He asked, and Levi hummed a yes. Savva lightly patted his head and pushed on his shoulder a bit, so he could now see Levi's eyes. He gave him a small smile. "I know you feel bad, so I'm not mad, cause I know you're a good b-" Savva freezes, not daring to finish his words.

Levi's head cocks to the side, and his eyes flash with excitement.

"I'm a good what?" He asks, smiling under his mask, standing a little straighter as if gaining some sort of confidence.

"Nothing." Savva says shaking his head.

"So I'm not good?" He asked in a somewhat hurt tone. Savva glanced away for a moment, unsure of whether calling a murderer a 'good boy' was a smart idea.

"You are good—" He assures, "You are a good boy." He says, whispering the last part, and as soon as the words exited his mouth Levi let out a shaky breath, letting his head lower with a low groan.

"I need to go." Levi says out of nowhere as he backs off.


"I need to ejaculate." He says with zero shame and zero embarrassment. Savva gave an awkward look, and nodded lightly.

"M'kay, have fun with that..."

Savva had become somewhat used to Levi having to excuse himself to go jack off, but still, he found it was a bit 'off' that Levi got hard from practically nothing.


Sorry I haven't updated recently, I've just been tired and haven't had much time. Buuuut, honestly at this point I kinda want the story to hurry tf up and I want them to just fuck...but idk how to get there, sorry lol. If y'all got any ideas, I'm open to hearing them, cause I ain't got shit. Anyways, goodnight y'all<3


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