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Hey y'all, i think it's been pretty obvious that I have not been around for a while. I think it's been a month or two? But i have a good reason, well reasons, which I will explain.

First of all, I had only intended to take a 1-2 week break just cause I was struggling to come up with ideas for the next chapter. But then some stuff started happening in my personal life, and posting just wasn't my first priority. I'm sorry for not communicating about why I was gone and haven't been around, I should've explained what has been happening so again, sorry.

Second, the personal stuff that happened was my (now ex) boyfriend started to get really fucking creepy, and honestly kind of scary. Like he started tracking my location, logging into my social media, and trying to talk to my family (which I explicitly told him not to, due to reasons I don't feel comfortable sharing).

He also blocked all my friends that he 'didnt like'...sooo, I broke it off. But still he won't leave me tf alone. It has really affected my mental health, so being online, and writing have just been pretty hard forme.

BUT...I do intend on posting again...just not on this account. He has access to all my current accounts, and even though I've changed the password he has managed to get into my accounts. So I'm going to be reuploading all of my books on a new account, which will be at the end, cause it won't let me put the user right here.

I was just going to delete my account, but I just found out he will not have access to the internet for a few months, so I'll keep this account up until then.

But anyways, i hope y'all understand why I am doing this, and I'm sorry if this is bothersome for y'all. 

Goodnight y'all<33333

This is my new account: YevaValesk


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