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3rd POV


Savva sat on the floor opposite the bed where Levi was lying. Savva was so upset with Levi that he refused to share a bed with him at this time, whom wasn't doing anything, he was just staring at Savva, watching him read.

He was stumped as to why Savva refused to come lay on the bed, and if he were to be completely honest, he was frustrated. Levi got up from the bed and moved slowly over to Savva, stopping in front of him. He took a big breath as he looked down at Savva, then grunted softly, nodded his head, motioning for Savva to stand up. But, Savva didn't budge. Levi scoffed, shaking his head.

"Up." He sneered. But Savva paid no attention to Levi, refusing to even look up. Levi crouched and snatched the book out of Savva's hands, tossing it aside. "I think you forget the situation you're in." He growled in a low tone, glaring at Savva, who only just rolled his eyes. Levi did not take kindly to this sudden disrespect. He got closer climbing over Savva, and kneeling down. His knees on either side of Savva's thighs, practically sat on him.

He roughly grabbed Savva's jaw forcing him to look up and meet his eyes, Levi paused, noticing that his eyes were watery. His anger quickly subsided and he loosened his grip.

"I know the situation I'm in!" He snapped as a tear slipped down his cheek. "I was kidnapped by a fucking pervert—fucking disgusting." He went on, his voice slowly growing quieter. Levi wiped the tears with his thumb. He leaned in, resting his forehead on the nape of Savva's neck. He inhaled deeply, taking in his scent, letting out a breathy groan.

"You chose to stay." Levi whispered. "You knew I was a 'disgusting pervert'." He groaned into Savva's ear. Savva's hand came to Levi's chest, as if wanting to push him off, but didn't. "Are you still mad about what happened?" He questioned, once again meeting Savva's eyes. Savva nodded. "Next time I plan on ejaculating near you I'll ask." Savva stared blankly.

"What if I say no?" Savva asked and Levi hesitated, not having considered this.

"Well—" He chuckles. "It'll depend." He said than looked Savva up and down. "But, you don't ever have to ask. I encourage you not to." He teased, staring down at Savva's crotch. Savva's cheeks burned red in embarrassment. "Have you even ejaculated once since I...found you?" He questioned, bringing his hand to Savva's shirt, moving it aside as his fingers teased the hem of Savva's shorts.

"Why would I?" He asked gripping Levi's wrist to make sure he wouldn't go any further.

"It's only healthy." He said and slipped two fingers under his shorts waistband, Savva's grip not nearly being strong enough to fight him off. "What would I have to do for you to let me help you ejaculate?" He questioned.

"Take off your mask." Savva said in a cheeky tone, smirking lightly. Knowing that that is something he'd probably never do. Levi took a moment, removing his hand from Savva's pants and bringing it to Savva's jaw, gripping it lightly.

"You're a tease." He whispered, bringing his free hand to his mask, lifting it just enough for Savva to see his mouth. His lips were perfect, and when he smirked you could see his teeth were too. He had a sharp jawline with stubble.

He leaned in close, placing a soft kiss on Savva's jaw. Savva flinched a bit, closing his eyes as he continued to softly kiss his jaw, slowly nearing his lips.

He finally reached Savva's lips and placed a gentle kiss on them before backing up and pulling the mask back down.

Savva sat there staring at Levi, feeling a sense of confusion begin to set in as he started to wonder why he didn't feel repulsed by that. Why did butterflies form in his stomach? Why did his lips feel so warm?

He brought a hand up to his lips, grazing over them with his finger tips. His reaction didn't go unnoticed.

"Confused?" Levi teased, but got no response, Savva was still in his own head, thinking. This made Levi feel ever so happy...and horny. He yet again had a very noticeable erection. Levi sighed lightly and stood up, backing away from Savva. Leaving him in his trance.

*6 Days Later*

After the...incident...they fell back into there regular schedule, but still, there was something off with Savva, he was still extremely confused about what happened. Not knowing how to feel about it. But now, once again, Levi is not going to work.

Savva was in the living room on the couch, a book in hand, but he wasn't reading it, he was just staring off into space.

"Breakfast." Levi said holding a plate. Savva glanced up and at the plate, gulping lightly. "Are you not hungry?" He asked and Savva went to grab the plate. Not saying a word, he hasn't spoken much since what happened. He set his book aside, placing the plate on his lap. Today, Levi cooked an omelet, with lots of vegetables inside.

"Thankyou." He whispered as he started eating. Levi crouched down in front of Savva watching him as he ate.

"You're beautiful." Levi smiled beneath his mask, staring up at Savva. Savva's cheeks tinted red as he nodded, not daring to meet his eyes as he continued eating. "You're the first person who's seen any part of my face since I was young." Levi whispered, placing his forearms on Savva's legs, leaning against him.

Savva froze, looking up at him and meeting his eyes.

"Why do you wear a mask—your not ugly?" He questioned and Levi chuckled lightly. Surprised by his words.

"I just—" He hesitated, glancing away. "You're the first person to ever say that." He whispered and Savva smiled a bit. "I'm happy I chose you. You're so sweet, kind, and your smile makes me so hard." He said and Savva's smile dropped.

"You just ruined the moment." Savva said in a cold tone.

"I'm trying to be honest." He sighed. "Look, Savva—everything about you is pure perfection. If I'm gonna be honest, I would do anything for you, and I mean anything. Anything you want or need, i'll do it." He said out of nowhere, causing Savva's eyes to widen.

"Levi—stop." Savva started, "I can't." He whispers, and Levi let out a shaky breath, standing up.

"I'm I'll be back" He whispered as he walked to the door. Savva looked back at him feeling guilty. Watching as he left.


Y'all idfk if I like this chapter, lmk if you do, maybe I can rewrite...Also I'm not sure how to continue so pls lmk... lol gn


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