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'What the fuck did I just do?' Savva thought to himself, as he felt his heartbeat begin to slow, and he could finally feel himself relax.

But he hesitated, as he could feel something begin to stir from below. Letting out a deep breath, Savva glanced down to his crotch, seeing he had his 'own' erection.

He let out a shaky breath as he weighed his options. Jack off or don't jack off.

'It's been a while since I've touched myself, and Levi won't be back for a few hours...' He thought to himself as he made his way up the stairs, walking awkwardly due to the uncomfortable 'thing' in his pants.

As he entered the room he thought for a moment of where he should do it. In the bedroom or the bathroom?


He made his way toward the bathroom and once he entered it, he glanced around. The floor still wet from his shower this morning, and some of Levi's clothes from the night previous when he had showered.

Savva double-checked to make sure the door was locked, then leaned against the door.

He reached his hand down to his crotch, groping himself over his shorts. He let out a small gasp, feeling ever so sensitive.

"Fuck." He whispered.

He slowly began to palm himself over his shorts, leaning his head back against the door, and shutting his eyes.

He slowly began to slip his shorts and boxers down. His cock already twitching with desire. He spat into his hand, before bringing it down to his cock, starting at the tip, and gently rubbing it, using his spit as his 'lube'.

Letting out a whimper, Savva began to stroke himself. But, he couldn't help but start to fantasize.

He'd started to imagine a large hand wrapping around his cock, teasing his tip and stroking him.

"Faster." He whimpered out as if talking to someone. He sped up his pace, letting out soft moans as he imagined the thick smell of pine, and the large hand on his cock speeding up.

Savva dithered as he realized he was imagining Levi's hand around his cock. He stopped his movements. His gaze moved to Levi's dirty clothes on the ground.

'I wonder if they still smell like him' Savva hesitated before lowering himself onto his knees in front of the pile of clothes. He grasped onto the wife-beater, bringing it to his nose and inhaling. He let out a soft groan as Levi's aroma filled his lungs.

"It does." He whimpered. His hand moving back down to his cock to stroke it. Keeping the shirt shoved into his face. His grip around his cock tightened and his hand moving faster.

He let out needy moans and whimpers, speeding up his actions. His hips began to stutter, struggling to hold in his ever-so-perilous release.

He let out a loud moan his back arching in pleasure as more lewd sounds escaped him. Cum spewed from his cock, his hips bucking forward as he slowed his movements.

As he let his orgasm wash over him, he released his cock, letting out a shaky breath.

"Fuckin' hell." He whispered as he dropped the shirt in his hand. He glanced down at the mess he made, he paused, realizing he had released all over Levi's clothes. His eyes widened and he quickly got up, pulling his boxers and shorts back up.

He glanced around the room, wondering what he should clean the mess with.

He grabbed some toilet paper and used it to wipe up his spilled cum. He considered just washing them, but he knew Levi would find that suspicious since he'd never done it before.

After Savva cleaned it up to the best of his abilities, he went to the living room grabbed one of the new books, and began reading. But, after a few minutes of reading, his mind began to wander.

'Did I seriously smell Levi's shirt while jacking it...? Levi can never find out.'

That Night

Levi stepped out of the shower, wrapping the towel around his waist. He leaned down, to grab his clothes off the ground from tonight and the previous night. But as he picked them up he paused. Realizing there were strange stains on his clothes.

He furrowed his brows in confusion as he went to smell it. The smell felt familiar, but at the same time, he couldn't quite place his finger on it. He slipped his mask on and made his way out of the bathroom.

"Savva," Levi called out as he exited the bathroom. Savva hummed a response. "Did you spill something in the bathroom?" He asked and Savva went pale, his body tensing.

"No." Savva whispered out almost too quickly, the fear evident in his voice. Levi narrowed his eyes suspiciously toward Savva, he didn't believe him, but he just nodded, making his way to the closet.

He closed the closet door behind him, and as he was about to put the dirty clothes in the laundry basket, he paused, a look of realization flashing over his face.

It's cum. That's how he'd recognized it.

But, he knew he didn't stain these clothes. So who did...?

He smiled beneath his mask, tossing the clothes in the basket before leaving the closet. He made his way over to the bed, still dressed in only a towel, and stopped at the side of the bed beside Savva.

Savva tried to ignore him, keeping his eyes on his book, but his face was bright red.

Levi stared intently at Savva. After a moment, Levi reached up and took the book from him, tossing it aside on the bed. Savva kept his gaze down, hiding his flustered expression.

Levi placed a gentle hand on Savva's bare thigh, rubbing it softly.

"Pervert." Savva said under his breath, crossing his arms. Levi let out a deep chuckle, shaking his head.

"We've already established that." Levi teased, smirking lightly as he leaned back onto his hands. Eyeing Savva up and down. "What sounds did you make when you came?" Savva's cheeks burned red, slapping Levi's hand from his thigh.

"I didn't." Savva said embarrassed.

"You didn't make sounds, or you didn't cum?" Levi pushed. Savva glared up at him unamused by his teasing antics. And though wanted to know what sounds he made, how he looked, how he felt. He wanted to know everything, he could tell Savva didn't feel comfortable. He stood up, tucking his towel in, before crawling into the bed beside him.

"You're not even dressed." Savva mumbled as Levi pulled him to lie down with him. He didn't struggle and allowed Levi to hold him.

And after nearly 10 minutes, Levi finally spoke up.

"Can I ask you something?" Levi whispered, tightening his arms around Savva's waist. Savva hesitated, not knowing whether he should or not. He hummed an okay. "Why was it all over my clothes?" He questioned, and Savva tensed up, staying quiet. "Please." He begged, his voice slipping into some sort of submission. Savva hesitated, biting his inner cheek.

"I was kneeling over them." He mumbled.

"Why?" Levi asked, gently caressing his chest. Savva's face burned red from embarrassment, shame eating away at him.

"I was smelling your shirt..." He admitted, his voice barely audible. His confession brought a smile to Levi's face, feeling ever so joyous. He nuzzled his head into Savva's shoulder, pulling him closer.

Savva's embarrassment slowly subsided and began being replaced by a sense of longing.


If you can't tell, this is a continuation of the last chapter. Idk if I like it, I might delete, but idfk, sooo just lmk. Annywaysssss, you filthy horn dogs, goodnight <3


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