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Next Monday

Levi leaned his hands against the back of the couch, leaning over Savva, staring down at him. Savva couldn't see it, but Levi had the sweetest smile hiding behind his mask.

"I told you not to stare," Savva mumbled, keeping his eyes on his book. Levi let out a small grunt as he brought a hand to Savva's shoulder. "It's creepy." He went on.

Levi ignored, as he moved his hand to Savva's collarbone, gently rubbing it as he started to move his hand to Savva's neck, his movements teasingly slow as he moved up to lightly grasp Savva's jaw and force him to look up. Savva's breath hitched as he stared up at Levi, cheeks tinted a light shade of red.

"I like staring." Levi said, keeping his tone low. Savva's cheeks deepened their color, and he pulled from Levi's grasp, feeling flustered.

"Aren't you supposed to be going to work?" He asked, changing the subject. Levi nodded, placing his hand back on the couch. "Then why are you still here?" He questions.

"I wanted something before I leave." Levi says his gaze averting down at his lips for a moment. Savva's brows furrow in confusion and he cocks his head to the side. Levi reached forward, once again lightly grasping his jaw, and pushing him to lean back into the couch, so his head was resting on the back of it. "Kiss." Levi whispers as he eyes Savva's lips again.

"W-what—" He stuttered out, feeling as his heart skipped a beat.

"I want a kiss." He repeats, his voice showing no hint of embarrassment, shame, or even being flustered. He knew what he wanted, and he wanted it now. Savva's cheeks burned with embarrassment as he struggled to find words. "Please Savva." He begged, his voice slipping into that tone of submission it always did when he wanted something.

"No-" Savva said, abruptly pulling back, "Later, at lunch. Then you can have your kiss." He said in a firm tone. Levi didn't seem too pleased by this, letting out a small grunt as he nodded his head. And with nothing else said, Levi made his way to the door, slipped his shoes on, and left.

Savva had wanted to kiss Levi, but he didn't want what happened last time to happen again, so he felt the need to prepare himself.

So that's what he did, for hours, he tried to come up with ways to not react the same as last time. He didn't want to get 'horny' again, and he wanted to make sure Levi wouldn't go any further than kissing.

It was almost half an hour before lunch had usually been served when Savva heard a door open and close.

Still sitting on the couch, he glanced toward the front door, expecting to see Levi. But he froze when he didn't.

He stood from the front couch, making his way to the front door. He unlocked it pulling it open. He peaked his head out, glancing around to see Levi. But nothing. He wanted to step out and look around more, but he hadn't been outside without Levi yet, and he couldn't help but feel intimidated by it.

He decided against it. Backing up, shutting the door, about to lock it.

"You tryna escape?" A man's voice said from behind. Savva froze, keeping his hand on the door nob. He let out a shaky breath, his heart immediately beginning to race. "A pretty little thing like you shouldn't be here alone." His voice was deep, and he had a thick Southern accent. Savva's body tensed as he heard the man take a heavy step closer. Savva glanced down at the door handle.

"I'm not alone." He said shakily as he began to slowly twist the door nob, his body covering his actions. "So I'd suggest you leave." He said as he'd finally twisted the nob enough. But that's when he heard it. A gun cocking.

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