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Two Days Later

Savva woke up as usual, took his shower, and got dressed, but when he exited the bathroom, he saw his breakfast was just left on the nightstand. Which was more than 'odd' given that Levi had been adamant about always watching Savva eat.

Savva ate quickly and while holding his dirty plate, began to descend downstairs.

He could hear movement. He tried to be quiet so he could see what was going on. But when he descended the stairs, he noticed Levi standing across the living room, in front of a shelf he had never seen before.

"Levi?" He questioned and Levi quickly turned around, holding a few books in hand. Savva sauntered over, furrowing his brows in slight confusion. "Is this new? I've never seen it before." Savva questions as he places his plate on the coffee table, then stopping near the shelf. Levi hesitates, as if unsure what to say.

"It's a gift. For you."

"A gift?" He questions, as his eyes scan over it, examining it. It was rather impressive; the dark wood sides, with patterns that crawled up the corners, which seemed to be hand carved. He ran his fingers over it, smiling toward Levi. "Is this what you've been making the past few days?" He asks, and Levi nods eagerly, waiting for any sign of Savva's approval.

Savva cast a quick glance to the books in Levi's hand, and the ones that were already on the shelf. He hadn't recognized them.

"And the books," He started, taking a small step closer to Levi. "Where'd they come from?" He said, taking one of the books from Levi's hand, looking it over.

"I asked the man who brings my groceries to get them." He said.

Savva let out a soft chuckle setting the book on the shelf. And without warning, Savva stepped forward, and wrapped his arms around Levi, pulling him in close for a hug. An actual fucking hug.

Levi froze, a small gasp escaping past his lips as he stared down at Savva.

After almost a full minute of him just standing there, he wrapped his arms around Savva, one of his hands placed on the back of his head.

"Thank you, Levi." Savva whispered, muffled by Levi's chest, but he heard it, and dear god did he fucking love it.

After what seemed like 3 minutes, Savva attempted to break free from the hug, Levi tried to hold him there but decided not to ruin the moment so he released him.

Savva took a moment eyeing Levi up and down. 'He's not even hard' Savva thought to himself, smiling.

"It looks really nice, I love it." Savva complimented. Levi just stared at him, his eyes filled with adoration and appreciation. "Is there a reason for the gift?" He asked and Levi chuckled softly, giving Savva a once over.

"I want you to be happy." Levi says in a somewhat proud tone. He lightly grasped Savva's jaw, using his thumb to brush over his smile. "And you are. Right?" He said in a quiet tone, pulling down on his bottom lip a bit.

"I am." He whispered. Reaching up to grasp his wrist. "Kiss me." He breathed, but froze, as though he didn't mean to say it out loud. His eyes went wide and his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Savva attempted to back away, but the grip on his jaw tightened, keeping him from moving.

"Kiss?" Levi said as he eyed Savva's lips. "You want me to kiss you?" He leaned closer. Savva hesitated, unsure of what to say. He knew he wanted to kiss him, but he was scared of the repercussions.

Levi softly pushed Savva back against the wall beside the shelf. Savva's face showed a hint of worry. Levi leaned down, keeping a grasp on his jaw.

"I'll be a good boy, I promise." He whispered, his voice laced with desire. Savva nodded, feeling flustered by Levi's remarks.

Levi reached up, grasping the bottom of his mask and slowly lifting it till it was above his mouth, resting on his nose. He leaned in, till his lips brushed over Savva's, pausing there, letting his hot breath cascade over Savva.

Leaning forward, he placed his lips over Savva's and gently kissing him. He savored that moment, keeping his right hand on Savva's jaw and his other to the small of his waist.

He ran his tongue along Savva's bottom lip, wanting to taste more of him. Savva was hesitant, his heart was already beating so fast, it felt as if it were trying to jump out of his chest, but he wanted more.

He longed for Levi's tongue to slip past his lips and taste him. Bringing his hands to rest on Levi's torso, running them up until he reached his chest, Savva parted his lips, allowing for Levi's tongue to slip in.

Levi was gentle as he ran his tongue over Savva's. Softly groaning into his mouth. Savva gripped Levi's shirt, in an attempt to pull him closer. Levi's tongue continued to explore Savva's mouth, taste him, savor him, appreciate him.

Savva pushed on Levi's chest, breaking the kiss. As the kiss broke, Levi slid his mask back down, to cover his face. But he didn't move away, he stayed pressed against Savva, their foreheads pressed together as Savva let out panted breaths.

Levi smiled beneath his mask as he ran his thumb along Savva's bottom lip.

"More." He grunted, using his thumb to pull at Savva's lip. Eager for more. Savva looked up, meeting his eyes. He wanted to say yes, he yearned for more, and he was about to agree, but that's when he felt it. Levi's ever-so-obvious erection prodding him. His breath hitched as he pushed on Levi's chest, forcing him away.

"You're hard." Savva mumbled as he turned away flustered. Levi let out a deep chuckle, taking a step back.

"I guess I did say I'd be a good boy." He teased, casting a sidelong glance toward the front door. "I'm going to work, I'll be back for lunch." Levi said slowly making his way toward the door. Savva's eyes widened.

"Y-your leaving?" He stumbled out. Levi stopped in his tracks, looking back at Savva.

"You want me to stay?" He questioned, feeling proud of the reaction he'd earned. Savva glanced down, shaking his head, before looking back up and offering a small smile.

"I'll see you for lunch." Savva said. Levi gave him a quick once over, before nodding and making his way to the door. He watched as Levi slipped on his shoes, and left the house.

As soon as he left, Savva let out a deep breath he hadn't known he was holding in.

"Fuck." He whispered as he leaned back against the wall.

'What the fuck did I just do?'


I hope this is good enough for y'all perverts. I know it ain't the best but it's all I got, and all your gonna get...unless you give me lot's money...I'm sorry, I'm bored and don't know what else to say. Anywayyyys, goodnight y'all <3


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