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3rd POV

Savva lay on the concrete floor of the dark basement, drifting in and out of consciousness. The thin window of the heavy metal door being the only source of light. With a metal shackle around his left wrist and a metal wire running through the walls, Savva was in the back left corner of the room, able to move, albeit only to a point where he was unable to reach the door. Unbeknownst to him, there was another man with a matching shackle in the opposite corner of the room.

Savva woke up with a light groan. With his free hand feeling the dried blood on the back of his head, he reached over with labored breathing. Then a light flickered on in the center of the room, hanging from the ceiling. He flinched, using the moment to survey the room before faltering when he noticed the other man. He was covered in blood, bruises, and deep cuts; his hair was shaggy and had a grown-out stubble. The strange man simply regarded Savva for a few seconds. At first, he appeared perplexed, but after a short while, he huffed out.

"Do what he says." The man grumbled, Dont fight. He continued, sounding almost dissociated in his low tone, but his words were warning. With his head still hazy, Savva simply stared at the man, perplexed by his words in this particular situation.

"Wha—what?" With a dry voice, he whispered. However, the enigmatic man merely said nothing. "Where are we, sir, please?" He asked, maintaining his polite demeanor. For a moment, the man's expression wavered, almost showing sympathy for Savva. His shaggy hair fell into his eyes as he gulped softly and looked down at the ground in front of him.

"Listen kid," The man said it in a detached manner. "Even if you manage to escape the basement, there are miles of forest surrounding us. The only way out is death." He said it with a harsh tone. He wasn't attempting to be impolite; rather, he had already experienced every phase of grief following his kidnapping. Savva knew there was no point in asking him questions pertaining to the situation, so he just nodded at him. However, after a brief period of silence, Savva decided to speak up and try to clear the air.

"Savva." He introduced himself with a kind smile toward the man, assuring him that he had only good intentions.

"Brian." He mumbled back after a few moments of silence. The name made Savva smile, and he was about to carry on the conversation when the man, identifying himself as Brian, froze and the lights flickered. His eyes growing wide. Remember what I said. Brian reiterated. Savva just stared in confusion until the door slowly unlocked and opened, revealing a man who sent a shiver down Savva's spine at the mere sight of him. He had tan skin, black curly hair, and scars that covered the majority of his body. He was tall, perhaps 6'5, and made of muscle. He was dressed in faded old blue jeans, a wife beater that had become discolored, leather gloves covered in blood and dirt, and a mask made of pig skin and nightmaresthis man was a beast.

Through the holes in the man's mask, Savva's eyes met his. The man's eyes were emotionless and dark. Walking slowly in Savva's direction, who was just sitting on his knees. He lowered himself to his level in front of him, their eyes never leaving each other's. After roughly grabbing Savva's jaw and drawing him in closer, he continued to stare before taking a deep breath in, smelling Savva's scent. With a sigh of satisfaction, the man pushed him against the wall. The man leaned in and smelled him, taking in his scent from the nape of his neck to the pit of his stomach, his hands on the ground next to him. Sava closed his eyes and sat there, paralyzed by fear. The unfamiliar man was very close to him, brushing against Savva's clothing with his mask. The man groaned softly and rubbed his covered face against his clothed torso, resting it there for a moment, continuing to breathe deeply, inhaling his breath. Whimpering in fear, Savva pushed himself against the wall as hard as he could. With a grunt, the man seemed irritated by his fear.

From across the room, Brian muttered, "Stop struggling," not turning to face Savva, as though he were feeling guilty. Savva, though, listened and remained silent. Reaching up Savva's arm to the nape of his neck, the man dragged his hand. He took another breath and stepped back, going back to standing. The man grunted at Brian as he reached into his pocket and took out a gauze bandage, throwing it to Savva. Then he just turned and walked back toward the door, making sure to lock it behind him.

With a breathless exhalation, Savva sat there, relieved that it was finally over. Brian, though, moved over and picked up the gauze wrap without pausing.

Brian mumbled, "You're lucky," and sat next to Savva. As Brian began to wrap the gauze around Savva's head, he simply gave a small sneer. "He's never acted like that toward me or anyone else in the time I've been here." Savva hesitated, realizing there were others. While tending to Savva's wound, Savva remained silent and gazed blankly ahead.

Brian returned to his corner, and they sat in silence after he had wrapped Savva's head. Savva was simply contemplating the entire situation because he was at a loss for what to do. He pondered what might occur. Would he be killed? Tortured? All the above?


Again, I know this ways short, but they'll get longer. Also, sorry if my writing is shitty...but idrgaf soooo...


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