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3rd POV

(Next Day)

Savva was propped up against the wall, wrapped in a heavy blanket. He was still very cold despite the blanket. He drank from the bottle of water Levi had brought over first thing that morning. Hours had passed, so Levi would likely return soon.

It didnt take long for the light to flicker and the door to open. When the door finally opened, Levi came in, but something seemed off about him. His hair was tangled and matted, with bits of dried blood interspersed. He was dressed normally, but blood was all over him. He was also covered in cuts, with blood pouring out of a large gash on his chest.

The more Savva stared at Levi, the more his emotions began to waver, causing him to feel concerned. He got to his feet, dropping the blanket to the floor.

"Levi?" His voice cracked as he uttered the words. Levi approached Savva and sent him an angry glance. He approached Savva and pushed him against the wall. Savva made a wincing sound of discomfort. Levi had his forearm pressed hard into Savva's chest, pinning him to the wall. He lowered his head and glared through his mask at Savva.

"You ruined everything!" He sneered, slamming his fist into the wall beside Savva's head, causing him to flinch. Savva stared up into Levi's eyes, confused, trying to search for an answer. But nothing, all he could see was rage.

"What—how?" Savva stumbled out in confusion.

"I—" He started, but stopped, not knowing how to go on. It was evident to Savva that he didn't even have an answer. "You just did!" He shouted at Savva, raising a hand to roughly grip his jaw. "You distracted me. So when I went out to pick up this weeks delivery, a man attacked me." He explained, gritting his teeth. Savva dithered, uncertain of what to do next. Savva stretched his unshackled hand to Levi's wounded bicep, his touch was kind and caring. "Don't." He warned, Savva ignored his warning and instead rubbed his arm comfortingly. Levi's body relaxed up a little. "Please Savva." He begged.

"Why did you take me in the first place?" Savva questioned trying to bring Levi back to rational thinking.

"I thought you would make me happy?" He spoke in a whisper, softly touching the side of his cheek. Savva's eyes were slowly covered by his hand. "And I was right, cause you make me so fucking happy." He exhaled as he raised his mask, only enough to see his mouth. He drew in closer, his gentle breath pouring over Savva. He pressed his lips against his cheeks, not quite on his lips, but close enough.

Savva gulped at the unexpected physical contact. He tightened his hold on Levi, one hand rising up to rest on Levi's chest. Savva's cheek felt the lingering kiss of his lips, the scrape of his stubble against his smooth skin.

"I need to take you out of the basement." Levi said as he pulled his mask down and removed his hand from Savva's eyes.

"W-why?" He asked in confusion as his hands fell from Levi.

"I cant keep you safe from the others I bring down here." He said, sounding nonchalant, as if what he was saying was nothing out of the ordinary. Savva gave him a puzzled expression.

"What will you do with them?" He questions.

"Torture then kill. Like usual." Savva looked terrified at what Levi had just stated. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you. You did nothing bad." He continued to try to soothe him, but Savva was only concerned that Levi would keep hurting others.

"Why do you do it?" Savva questioned, but was meant with no answer. Savva pushed Levi away. "I'll be bad, so hurt me instead." Despite his words and repeated prodding, Levi remained immovable.

"I'm not gonna hurt you."

"Please—" Savva whimpered, "I'll do anything for you to stop." He begged, but Levi didn't move or say anything. He did nothing but look. He felt terrible at the prospect of him inflicting his pain on other people. "Do you want me to kiss you? I can. Ill clean for you. Cook—" Still, Savva received no response. "I'll stay with you for ever? Ill never leave." He spoke without realizing the words he had just spit out. It was too late by the time he realized what he had said. Levi's curiosity was undoubtedly peaked.

"Never?" He repeated. "Fine, Ill stop killing if you stay with me. But the moment I even hear you mention running—" He paused. "Carnage." His voice was low. Savva was forced to recognize the gravity of the situation. Savva didn't want to do it, but he knew that if he refused, a lot of people's lives would be stolen. That's why he simply nodded.

It was silent for just a second before Levi reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of keys. He unlocked the lock on Savva's shackle and dropped it to the floor.

"Do you want to stay in the basement or in the house?" Levi asked which surprised Savva. He hadn't realized that upon agreeing to this, his conditions would better.

"House." Savva muttered.


Honestly I cant fucking tell if this is moving to fast, cause rn I am bored af and honestly kinda just wanna get to the y'know...seggsy stufff


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