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3rd POV

Savva felt a little more secure as soon as they entered the house. Now that he knew, the mysterious man with the mask would give him more freedom. Savva assumed they were heading up to that bedroom as they were walking in the same direction they went previously.

As they entered the familiar bedroom, he noticed that his images were still displayed all over the place, but there were no more cum covered ones on the floor like last time.

"Don't leave the house. Ill be back before dark." Levi said before exiting the room. Savva paused taking in his surroundings.

He smiled to himself and plopped down on the bed with a satisfied groan. He climbed into the bed and laid on top of the covers, allowing himself to sink into the softness of the bedding. He took a deep breath, realizing it had been a long since he'd slept on a bed. He went to sleep in a matter of seconds.

*Next Morning*

Savva's eyes fluttered open and he heaved a sigh of relief as he slowly came to awake. He had slept for more than 15 hours, easily the longest sleep period of his life. He smiled for a while, but then froze when he heard Levi's quiet breaths beside him, and he jerked his head to the left. He too was above the covers. He was wearing only wearing a pair of boxers and his mask, which was shifted ever so slightly as to reveal his chin.

Savva gave him a once over, taking note of his many wounds and scars. His chest wound from the previous day had been stitched. But that wasn't the only thing that stood out to him; Levi also sported a very visible erection under his boxers. He gulped lightly.

The fact that this man virtually always had an erection when he was nearby was nasty, but it also gave Savva a boost of confidence.

"Levi," Savva spoke out softly, clearly not wanting to startle him. Levi turned over on his side in his sleep and faced him. Savva sat straight up. The second time he said, "Levi," it was a bit louder. A small sigh escaped Levi's lips.

"What?" He asked in a cold tone, his morning voice being deeper and raspier than usual.

"Can I use the bathroom?" Savva asked in doubt, not sure if rousing him was the wisest course of action.

"Do what ever the fuck you want." Half-asleep, he grumbled it out. Levi was obviously not a morning person, so...

"Even shower?" Levi rolled his eyes at Savva's prodding. Knowing that Savva would ask again if Levi didn't answer affirmatively, Levi grunted a 'yes'. After hearing Levi's words, Savva rolled out of bed and headed for the restroom. As he walked in and began doing his stuff, Levi began to wake from out side the room.

After adjusting his mask so that it fit him properly again, Levi lay there and listened to Savva. Levi sat up against the headboard after he started showering and glanced down at his strained bulge. He inhaled deeply as he pondered his next move

He eventually reached a consensus and jerked off, then headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, now in a cheery mood. This was to be expected, as morning release had previously boosted his mood.

After Levi finished eating, he brought Savva's plate into the bedroom to eat. To his surprise, Savva was still in his old clothes and seated on the bed when he opened the door to the bedroom. His head was thrown back and one of his knees was bent up, allowing you to see the water drops from his shower slowly trickle down his beautiful smooth skin. Thats when Levi felt the beginnings of another erection, he heaved a small sigh. Ignoring his thoughts, he approached Savva and set the dish down in front of him.

Other than his normal sandwich, today's meal consisted of eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns, all of which made Savva happy.

"This is for me?" He asked, and Levi nodded and stared at Savva, waiting for him to eat. After a brief pause, Savva repositioned himself so that he was on his knees and began to eat.

As he took his first bite he let out a satisfied moan, this being the first thing he's eaten other than a sandwich in a while. That small moan only intensified Levi's growing erection.

Levi approached Savva and put his palm on top of his freshly showered hair, running his fingers through it. Savva glanced over at Levi, but then quickly looked back down at his food because Levi's clothed erection was within mere inches of his face.

"I have to go work. Ill be back in a few hours to check on you. Please help yourself around the house." He said with a smile before releasing Savva and exiting the room.

Savva sat there for a moment, but then started to wonder. What does he do for work?

It didn't take Savva long to get out of bed and start going to different places in the house. He finally went downstairs and found a small room full of books. Most of the rooms didn't have anything in them or were being used as storage. Savva took a quick look at all the books. The hard covers of all of them looked like they had been worn down. Savva didnt peg Levi to be a reader. There was also a desk in this room with huge stacks of papers on it. Savva looked at them, but they were written by hand in a language he wasn't familiar with.

"Strange man—" He whispered.

He finally left the room and kept walking around the house. There was a kitchen, another bathroom, a laundry room, and a few rooms that were locked. He had looked in almost every room before he went to the window next to the front door and peered out. Since it was fall, there was a light rain outside.

It was hard for Savva not to smile. Even though he knew how rain worked, he loved it and thought it was so mysterious. He sighed softly and used the opportunity to think about his current situation.

He resented being trapped here with a murderer. But if you understood how to deal with Levi, he wasn't all that horrible. And it was clear that he cherished Savva. Savva was taken care of by him; he gave him food and a warm bed to sleep in at night. Even Savva could see that Levi was growing despite his continual boundary-crossing and erections, which made him unsettling. Plus, not like his life before was too much better.

He was left homeless when his six-year partner cheated on him and kept the apartment. His friends all shunned him, and he lost his job. He had no one to ask for help. Family wasn't an option because he hadn't spoken to them since he was sixteen.

At least Levi wanted him...


This chapter pretty much is only here to hurry it tf up cause I have zero fucking patience and just want them to be in woooooovvvve. yw.


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