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Hey y'all. I'm back, and I've handled my situation, and I now don't have to delete this account. So I'm pretty happy...

But I have some goodish bad news. I am rewriting this book, and I've started to publish it under the name "Deadly Devotion: The Obsession of a Killer" and its pretty much the same story, but it's edited and I've added some things and taken some other things out.

It currently only has a few chapters, but my school ends in like 2-3 days so I'll have a lot of time to work on it...

Anyways, sorry for the lack of communication with y'all. I hope you can understand and not hold any ill will toward me.

Goodnight y'all<3

-Yeva (I changed my name to Yeva...idky...but I think I could use a change)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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