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*Two Days Later*

Savva, for the first time in a while, was in the kitchen, cooking, he hadn't ever cooked anything for Levi, so he thought he'd wake up early and make something for him...but, it wasn't till now he remembered he was a shit cook.

As he plated the burned French toast and eggs, he sighed softly and shook his head.

"What was I thinking?" He grumbled to himself and shook his head. His cheeks were tinted red from embarrassment so he decided to just pretend he didn't make it.

He began washing the pans and bowls he had used to make 'breakfast', and after 20 minutes of washing, he grabbed the now cold plate of food, about to throw it out, but that's when Levi entered the kitchen.

They stared at each other for a moment, Savva having a guilty expression.

"What are you doing?" Levi asked after nearly 2 minutes of stillness. Savva gulped lightly glancing at the plate, wondering if it'd be worth it to come up with a lie, but he knew Levi would see right through it, so he let out a soft sigh, averting his gaze away from Levi.

"Well," He started, taking in a deep breath, "I tried to make you breakfast...but it didn't work." He said in a quiet tone. Almost as if he feared something would happen, and no, it's not cause he was afraid of Levi, it was just a trained response he had learned during his childhood. "I'm sorry." He spoke in a hushed tone.

Levi slowly walked over, eyeing Savva up and down with slight confusion. He stopped in front of him, his imposing figure towering over him as he stared down at him.

"Why apologize?" Levi asked in a low tone as he took the plate, setting it on the counter beside them. Savva hesitated, not really knowing if he had an answer.

"It's bad." He whispered, keeping his gaze lowered. Levi took a moment to inspect the food before turning a bit as he lifted his mask, taking a bite.

It was bad. Fucking horrible. Tasted like a rat crawled out of a trucker stop toilet, crawled through a sewer to get here, and then killed itself on the pan.

Levi slid his mask back on before looking back to Savva, letting out a soft chuckle. He lightly grasped Savva's hand.

"It doesn't taste 'that' bad," He said before leaning in and placing a hand beside Savva on the counter. "Going out of your way to do that for me, it makes me so horny." He whispered into Savva's ear, his cheeks lighting up. Savva cleared his throat and moved away.

"Thank you." He mumbled out embarrassed.

Levi stared at him for a moment, before taking in a deep breath, suppressing his perverted desires, trying to think of other things in order to keep himself in check.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Levi asked. Savva looked up at him surprised, his brows furrowed in confusion at the sudden new offer. "W-we don't have to..." Levi stumbled out, lowering his head ever so slightly. But Savva shook his head.

"No-no. I would really like that." Savva hurried out, taking a step toward Levi, seemingly excited. His excitement only fueled Levi's.

"Go get ready." Levi said and Savva hurried off. Not long later he came back down, now wearing shoes and pants, rather than the usual shorts. They walked toward the door, and Levi grabbed his thick coat, and handed it to Savva, and put a thin flannel on himself. "Before we go, there are rules." He said in a now serious tone.

"Rules?" Savva questioned, his brows furrowed.

"Don't wander off, stay close." He started and Savva nodded. "If you see someone, tell me." He went on, which made Savva wonder whether it was cause Levi would hurt them, or cause Levi needed to stay hidden... "And always listen to me. It's dangerous out here, so please." He said softening his tone.

Savva smiled lightly before nodding in agreement, and with that, Levi opened the door and the pair stepped out.

As Savva stepped out, he took a moment to take it all in, taking in a deep breath, the cold air burning his nose. Levi stopped beside him, and he just stared at Savva watching as he smiled to himself. Levi's hand came up to rest on the small of Savva's back.

They begin to walk and they take a small path behind his house and at first, they were silent. But after 20 minutes, they came upon a handmade wooden bench next to a tree, the bench looked as if it'd been there for years, untouched.

Savva gently nudges Levi to sit down, and he does, then Savva speaks up.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" He asks and Levi hums a yes. "Why the mask—" Levi freezes "I've asked before, but you've never answered." He went on. Levi hesitated, his gaze lowering down to his hands. And a moment of silence ensues. Savva takes a deep breath before stepping forward, now standing in front of Levi, in between his legs. "Please." He begged.

Levi takes a moment before reaching forward and lightly grabbing his hand, rubbing his thumb over the knuckles.

"Not yet." He said.


That gave Savva hope, that maybe sometime soon, he would give an answer. Savva smiled and nodded. He backed up and offered a hand to help Levi up. Levi took it and stood, but kept a tight grasp on it as they continued walking.

"What i-" Savva started, but stopped as he tripped over a root, falling to the ground. "Fuck." He breathed as he let out a soft groan. Levi hurried to help him up, but Savva had an expression of discomfort.

"What hurts?" He asks in a panicked tone, as he gives him a once over.

"N-nothing." He stutters out, but Levi doesn't seem pleased by this answer and just gives him a suspicious look. "I'll be fine." He assures as he goes to continue walking but as he steps on his right foot, he lets out a small wince.

"You're hurt." Levi mumbled as he crouched down and pulled up Savva's right pant leg, trying to look at his ankle. Savva tried to move back, but Levi just glared up at him.

"I'm fine, please, just let's continue." He assured, but Levi wasn't convinced.

"No, we're going home." He said harshly, almost mad that Savva didn't even care about his own well-being. But as he glanced up, he noticed Savva's sad expression. "Don't worry, we can walk another time." He assured. Savva nodded lightly about to start walking but Levi stopped him. "Get on." He said motioning for Savva to get on his back.

"That's embarrassing, no." He said and Levi narrowed his eyes.

"Get on." He ordered, and Savva rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, as if saying 'no'. Levi raised a brow before standing up straight again and turning toward him. "Savva," He warned, but Savva kept his stance. Levi let out a soft breath, shaking his head. "I'll bring back the bucket." He threatened and Savva scoffed.

"You wouldn't."

"Yes. I. Would." He said and Savva rolled his eyes, dropping his arms. Levi smirked beneath his mask as he crouched down. Savva wrapped his arms around Levi's neck, and Levi gripped Savva's thighs as he stood up, holding him tightly. "See, not so hard." He teased as Savva rested his head on Levi's shoulder.

"But you're hard." Savva mumbled under his breath.

"Always am around you." He continued to tease as he began walking.

The walk home didn't take too long, and honestly, Savva enjoyed it. He was warm, pressed against Levi's back, and he liked his smell. Though, he would never admit it.

Once at home, Levi checked out his ankle, it was just a bruise. So, nothing to worry about.


Hey y'all, I know I said I wasn't gonna post for a while, but, I had some free time and decided I might as well right...idk if it's good or not, or if it's just awkward lol. But lmk, anywayssss goodnight <3


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