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3rd POV
*2 Days Later*

Savva drank all of his water and went without food after the man forced him to eat. His general state of mind was shit, and his throat felt dry and his head felt light. He was now curled up in a ball on the floor, huddled together for warmth as he shivered.

Brian had yet to come back, which only fueled Savva's anxiety. Savva still truly cared about him because, despite their differences, he was still a human. He tried to make himself feel better, thinking about what he would do if he escaped. He could go places and meet interesting people, for starters. 

To be perfectly honest with himself, though, he knows he can't. He was broke and unemployed.

He was mid-thought when the light flickered, signaling the arrival of the mysterious man in the mask. With a bottle of water in one hand and a paper plate in the other, he opened the door and made his way inside. As he got closer, he signaled for Savva to get to his feet. Savva got up hesitantly, feeling increasingly dizzy in the process of rising. Instinctively, he leaned against the wall.

"Thirsty" The man questioned, his tone making it sound more like a statement than a question. Savva looked at the man and gave a slight nod. The man, however, did not extend a hand to offer the beverage; he just set the dish on the floor and opened the water. The man in the mask advanced, covering Savva's eyes with his hand. Savva shuddered from the unexpected impact but stayed put. 

The man partially removed his mask and drank from his water bottle without swallowing. Without hesitation, he leaned in close, pressing his lips on Savva's. Who made an unpleased noise and pushed to free themselves, but the man's grip was too strong. 

After taking a deep breath, the man grunted in frustration. "Open." He growled, though he continued to drink without swallowing. Again, he kissed Savva gently, waiting for him to open up. Savva faltered, his lips parting in a frightened whimper. The man allows his water to transfer to Savva's mouth, along with some saliva. As Savva swallowed, the man licked his bottom lip before pulling his mask down and taking his hand from Savva's eyes. Savva looked down in shame, but as he did so, he saw the man's erection developing beneath his jeans and apron. The man screwed the top on and tossed the bottle to the ground, then stared at Savva.

"Thankyou." Savva remarked, attempting to end the uncomfortable staring.

"Eat." The man issued an order in a harsh voice; he was grateful but unsure of how to express his thanks towards Savva. Savva knelt down in front of his dish and got ready to dig in. A sandwich once again served as today's lunch. He continued eating but looked up at the man again after a while.

"Sir." Savva said, initiating a conversation. The man gave a low groan, waiting for him to continue. "Why is it that you're keeping me here?" He inquired, but the man didn't respond and instead continued to look at Savva in silence. After a moment of utter silence, Savva finally broke it by returning to his meal. The man, however, did not remain silent for long.

"I saw you. Wanted you. Now I have you. I will keep you." He said it cryptically, and Savva froze, staring up at the man in fear.

"How long?"

"Forever." Savva's eyes shot up in dread as the man spoke. The sinking feeling of his heart in his stomach.

"You cant keep me forever. Not locked in this basement, pissing in a bucket whilst you watch." Savva lost his temper; he had never been so disrespectful to another person before, and, to be while the sandwich on the plate and taking a few long breaths. The man, however, looked unfazed; he appeared to understand his frustration. "Please." He pleaded with the man.

"Finish." The man ordered, motioning to the food. Completely ignoring Savva. Savva exchanged a short look with him before finally agreeing, bending over to finish his meal. The man stood and watched while Savva ate, but when he was done, he knelt down in front of Savva. The cellar was chilly, so Savva appreciated the heat that was flowing off of him and adhering to him. Savva didn't raise his head; instead, he stared at the ground in front of him to hide his flooded eyes from the man. 

He felt like he was having an anxiety attack; his heart was racing, and his breathing was heavy. But his anxiety was short-lived since the guy's palm came to rest on Savva's head, gently caressing the top of his head in an attempt to console him. This was something the man had never done before and he wasn't particularly skilled at it. "I wont hurt you." The man whispered, dropping his hand to grab the paper plate. A brief moment of stillness ensued before the guy exited again, locking the door behind him.


Idk if this is moving to quick, can someone lmk. Also idfk how to write so sorry if its shit lol.


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