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3rd POV

Levi stood at the end of the bed, staring down at Savva, with a look of longing in his eyes. He slowly walked around the side of the bed, until he stood beside Savva.

"Savva—" He whispered, his voice full of pure adoration, crouching down beside the bed, and placing a gentle hand to caress his cheek. "Oh how weak you've made me," He went on, tucking a stray hair behind Savva's ear.

Levi smiled from beneath his mask, running his fingers across Savva's bottom lip.

He cared more for Savva than anything else, including himself. Everything he had ever done in his life was to make himself happy, but now he would do anything to make Savva happy.

Well...besides letting him go of course.

He has tried his hardest to be better for Savva. He has managed to control his temperament issues, suppress his need to 'torture' others, and most of all, subdue his perverted cravings.

To him, that was the most arduous task of them all. But it was also the most necessary task if Levi wanted Savva to accept him.

As he continued to caress Savva's cheek, he slowly stirred in his sleep, leaning into Levi's touch, and letting out a sleepy hum.

"What are you doing?" Savva whispered, still half asleep, and not even bothering to open his eyes. Levi paused before lightly dragging his thumb over Savva's bottom lip once again. Levi let out a soft grunt, using his thumb to pull Savva's bottom lip down ever so slightly.

Savva laid there half asleep, not fully understanding his surroundings. Levi slowly slipped his thumb past Savva's lips, until his thumb pressed against his tongue. Coating his thumb in Savva's saliva before pulling his thumb out, he raised his mask ever so slightly and slipped his thumb into his mouth, groaning as he tasted Savva's saliva.

Levi stayed there for a while, just staring at him, softly stroking any and every piece of Savva's bare skin. Feeling pure devotion towards him.


I know it's short, but I've had a shitty week and I kinda don't really careeeee...sorry. But I hope it was at least somewhat good. Anyway, good night.


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