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3rd POV

*3 Days Later*

They had established a routine over the course of the previous three days. Savva would get up, stretch, and shower. Awakening at some point, Levi would prepare breakfast then watch Savva eat. Then he'd go to work, return around lunchtime to cook Savva another meal, watch him eat, and then head back to work. Then he returned later that night, covered with blood. He would next take a shower, prepare dinner, and once again watch Savva eat. After that, either they would have a short conversation or Levi would have Savva read to him.

Yet, things were different today. They got up, had their normal morning rituals, Savva took a shower, Levi made breakfast, and he watched Savva eat, but Levi didn't go to work.

"I need to go cut wood." He said, slipping on a pair of jeans and a white wife beater. Savva nodded, continuing to read without looking up. "Do you want to come?" His question attracted Savva's attention. A questioning look crossed his face as he considered Levi's suggestion. He wanted to go outside, but he also liked his book. He eventually came to a consensus and nodded.

Levi reached farther into his closet and pulled out Savva's shoes, he then moved over to the bed, and motioned Savva closer. Savva scooted to the side of the bed so that his legs dangled off the side. Savva reached for the shoes, but Levi simply shook his head no and lowered to his knees. Levi took hold of Savva's ankle, slid his foot inside the shoe, resting it on his knee, tied the laces, and then did the same with the other shoe.

For a while, Levi simply remained there, staring at Savva's thighs and taking deep breaths. He inhaled deeply through his nose, taking in Savvas scent, before letting out a shaky exhale, his eyes rolling back as he did so. He inhaled once more, but this time when he exhaled, he let out a deep, shaky groan, his hands gripping the bed beside Savva as his head leaned forward.

He stayed like that for a minute, letting out heavy breaths, before getting up. Savva, however, paused when he saw a damp patch on Levi's pants. Savva's face paled as he processed what had just transpired. Levi had an orgasm just from Savva's smell. Levi seemed unfazed by this.

"Go downstairs; Ill be down in a moment." Levi said. Levi walked toward the closet. Savva stood up with a small gulp as he headed for the exit, saying nothing. Savva stopped to think for a moment as he approached the door.

Did he really just cum? He pondered in his head. Although Levi had previously had erections near Savva, this was the first occasion that he had actually ejaculated in front of him.

Savva watched as Levi descended the stairs again, wearing a fresh pair of jeans and clutching a bulky jacket. The interior is composed of wool, and the exterior is an aged brown leather. Levi extended the coat to Savva, and after some hesitation, Savva took it and mumbled thanks. As Savva put it on, he felt engulfed by it. This was beyond his size range.

Levi walked to the door, taking a key out of his pocket and unlocking it. Both of them left the house and walked out to the cabin's side, where there was a large tree stump and a pile of logs beside it. As Levi went about his business, preparing to chop wood, Savva waited, standing near the house.

Savva's hands were buried deep in his coat pockets because he was freezing. He glanced up at Levi, wondering how he wasn't shivering; he didn't even have goosebumps.

Levi grabbed a log, set it atop the stump, and took up an ax. Then Savva watched as he began to chop the wood.

Every time his ax swung, he gave a little grunt, the veins in his arms showing. He did this repeatedly, cutting new logs and placing them on a custom-made wooden shelf built into the outside of the home.

"So—Why are you chopping so much wood?" Savva asked quietly, still shaken by the events of the morning.

"There is supposed to be a storm tonight, then heavy rain for a while. I need to heat the house." He breathed heavily as he continued to explain. Savva nodded and then glanced at his shoes for a while, trying to think. He wanted to ask Levi about what happened earlier, but he didn't want to say the wrong thing.

"When you—" Savva spoke in a shaky tone. "You orga—" Again he stopped himself from speaking, not knowing how to go on. "Why— Why did you ejaculate!" When his thoughts finally formed into words, he yelled. But he had managed to pull it off. He glanced at Levi in disbelief as he stood there, paralyzed with terror.

Levi let out a small chuckle, his eyes lighting up as he dropped his axe, smirking beneath his mask as he neared Savva. Now standing only a foot away.

"Savva?" Levi whispered in a low tone, Savva's cheeks were flushed red from embarrassment and he averted his look downward. Levi reached a hand out, lightly grasping his jaw, stroking his cheek with his thumb. "Savva." He repeated, his voice low and desperate, as he forced him to look at him. "When a man becomes hard, he pleasures hi—"

"I know that." Savva snapped backing away from Levi's clutch. "Aren't you embarrassed?" He went on and Levi tilted his head in confusion.

"Why should I be?" Levi asked and Savva scoffed shaking his head in disbelief. "Why—because i derived pleasure from you?" He took a step forward. "Because I came without touching myself?" He got even closer, so there bodies were almost pressed against eachother. "Because just the thought of you gets me so horny I cant hold myself back." He whispered lowly, reaching his hand around the back of Savva's head, gripping it lightly as he bent down a bit. "What part of it bothered you?" He whispered into Savva's ear. Savva's breath hitched as his heart rate quickened.

"You—You didn't warn me." He whispered his head once again lowering. Levi was taken aback by his response, but nodded, backing up.

And with that, Levi returned to chopping wood, leaving Savva to his racing thoughts.


OMFL im sorry, i just needed to add in some spice, i cant hold myself back, I am terrible at not writing seggy stuff, I fucking need it.
(Edit: I'm going through and editing this shit, cause I'm only now realizing somehow things weren't there or deleted...sowwy)


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