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3rd POV

'Fuck, what did I do? It's 2 in the morning, and he still hasn't returned.' Savva let out a shaky breath, as he sat against the headboard, staring at the bedroom door as his anxiety started to rise. 'Did I go too far? Maybe I shouldn't have been so rude...' He took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself. 'Why am I even worrying about him? In all honesty I should despise him. He is a pervert who abducted me.'

Savva glanced down at his hands and bit his inner lip, lightly shaking his head.

'...but he was also nice to me...sometimes...and when he kissed me, it kind of felt good. It shouldn't have. But it did.' Reaching up, he gently runs his index finger over his bottom lip, and letting out a shaky breath.

It was then, heavy steps started nearing the door, it opened and there stood Levi, he was soaked, water dripping from him and forming a small puddle on the ground, they shared a glance, but didn't say anything.

Savva watched as Levi walked into the closet, closing the door.

After a few moments, he stepped out of the closet, wearing sweatpants and a wife beater. He walked over, ignoring Savva as he got in bed, over the covers. Savva just stared at him, feeling beyond guilty.

"Levi..." He whispered. But Levi didn't pay him any mind and just laid there silently. Savva scooted closer to Levi, still sitting up against the headboard. Savva started running his fingertips over Levi's biceps. "It felt good. It scared me." He admitted.

Levi looked toward Savva, somewhat confused.

"When you..." Savva hesitates, his cheeks turning a light shade of red. "When you kissed me. It felt good. Which scared me." Savva admitted, his voice slightly shaky. He slowly started to lay down beside Levi, laying shoulder to shoulder.

After a few minutes Levi grasped Savva's hand. And with that the two slowly started drifting off to sleep.

*The Next Day*

Savva came downstairs, his hair still wet from the shower he just took. He walked toward the kitchen, in need of water. And as he went in, he saw Levi standing there, cutting tomatoes. Savva went toward the cupboard, grabbed a glass and filled it with water.

He stared at Levi for a moment, still feeling some guilt about what he had said, it wasn't that bad, but it hurt Levi.

Levi glanced toward Savva, feeling his intense stare. He let out a small hum, wondering why he was staring.

"Can I read to you tonight?" He asks and Levi gives a surprised look, but nods lightly, smiling beneath his mask. Savva smiles, glancing down for a moment, his cheeks tinting a light red.

*That Night*

Savva laid in bed, watching as Levi made his way over to the bed, this time, only dressed in sweatpants. He crawled into bed, next to Savva, who was sitting against the headboard. He slid underneath the covers, pulling them over his head, and slid off his mask. He wrapped his arms around Savva's thigh, and that's when Savva started reading.

As the reading went on, Levi placed soft kisses on his thigh, and eventually, Savva reached a hand down under the covers, and started playing with Levi's hair.


Y'all idk how to feel about this chapter, Idk if it's too rushed but ima just go, gn ily.


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