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3rd POV

It had been 2 days since the incident, and Levi has yet to return. Or even turn the lights on. Because he didn't have a bucket to use, while sleeping, Savva urinated all over himself the night before. Savva had fallen asleep at this point, but he had no idea that Levi was standing outside his door, watching him. Though he'd never confess it, Levi harbored deep regret over his actions; he just couldn't keep his emotions in check.

Savva awoke as Levi turned on the lights and unlocked the door. Levi walked in, breathing in the pungent odor of urine, and he glanced across at Savva, prepared to say something, before pausing in horror at the hand-shaped mark on his cheek. He hastened to Savva, where he knelt and gently grabbed Savva's face.

"Please," His whispered "Forgive me." He continued, but Savva only pulled back and shot him a filthy glance. Levi's eyes, which were mostly obscured by his mask, pleaded with him to reconsider. "Ill let you take a shower." He offered, which piqued Savva's interest.

"And get me clean clothes." Savva added. Levi nodded. "I'll forgive you." He whispered as they both got to their feet. As he approached Savva, Levi took a set of keys out of his pocket. He reached for his wrist and began to undo the shackle. Upon the release of his shackle, Savva displayed a subtle smile while gently massaging his wrist. Levi gently rested his hand on the lower part of Savva's back and started to lead them out of the room.

As they walked through the basement, Savva looked around him, taking in his surroundings. Blood was splattered everywhere, and the stench of carnage was heavy in the air. At last, they emerged from an exterior door, and he took a deep breath, relishing the heady aroma of fresh air.

"You like?" Inquired Levi as he led the way through the trees. Savva hesitated before nodding, but once he did, the man sighed with relief. They continued deeper into the forest, where Savva spotted a large wood cabin that looked to be rather old but was in good condition. They locked the door behind them as they entered the log cabin up the porch.

Savva was greeted by the enticing aroma of freshly baked apple pie as they entered. Savva felt the pleasant warmth as they made their way through the home and up the stairs. In stark contrast to the basement.

"If not for being kidnapped, this would be a nice place to stay." Savva softened his voice as they paused in front of a door. Levi took out a key and opened the door. Savva froze in fear as they entered and the lights came on. Hundreds of images of Savva were taped to the walls, and several were even lying on the floor, covered with what one could only assume was Levi's seamen. They were pictures from Savva's phone. "What. The. Fuck" He whispered, his face contorted in confusion.

"You—You don't like it?" Levi asked, perplexed and somewhat stung by his words. His head slumped down in despair as his hand slipped off Savva's back.

"Its just—," Savva paused, at a loss for words; the sight revolted him, yet there was also something strangely endearing about it. "If you ejaculate on someone's photo, you shouldn't then show them. It can come off as creepy." He continued speaking softly, as if attempting to spare the mans feelings.

"So I can do it without you knowing?" He questioned, and Savva gave him a look of disbelief. He nodded. Better the photo's than him. 

In order to guide Savva to the restroom, Levi placed his hand back on his back and led him through the room and into the bathroom. The bathroom was neat and tidy, but unlike most homes, there was no mirror over the sink. Levi was just staring at Savva throughout the pause, as if he was expecting him to do something, but Savva didn't pick up on it. Levi reached down to Savva's shirt hem and began to pull it up. Savva stepped back from Levi and gave him a brief scowl.

"Don't touch my shirt." Levi was a little taken aback by Savva's threatening tone, but he simply nodded. "I'm not showering in front of you." He continued, and Levi appeared to hesitate; he desperately wanted to watch him but knew Savva would never let him.

"Leave your clothes by the door." Levi whispered. Levi backed out of the restroom and quietly shut the door.

Savva was relieved that Levi had finally left. His thoughts were unburdening themselves at last. After he had been sitting there for a while, he began to take off his clothes, beginning with his shoes, then his socks, jeans, and lastly his shirt. He dreaded taking off his shirt since it always made him think of his troubled past. Taking a deep breath, he entered the tub that had a shower.

After turning on the water, he sighed contentedly as the filth rinsed off his body. Three transparent bottles with tiny labels stood on a built-in shelf in the wall. They read, 'shampoo', 'conditioner', and 'body'. While shampooing his hair, he heard the door open and quickly turned to look, only to see the man's arm creep in and take the garments. Before the door could close again, it was replaced with other clothing.

Savva let out shaking breaths trying to calm his anxiety, taking a moment to prepare himself before continuing on bathing.

When Savva was done with his shower, he turned off the water and stepped out of the tub, where he lingered for a while as water collected in a puddle beneath him. He went over and picked up the clothes, placing them on the counter next to the sink. He put on the shirt, a large black long-sleeved shirt that engulfed him. The air was fresh and pleasant. Then, he reached for a pair of boxers but hesitated, recalling that he had brought them along in his camping backpack. When he reached for the next piece of clothes and saw that it was shorts rather than pants, he softly groaned in annoyance, but slipped it on anyways. After putting on the black ankle sock he turned around to head back to the door. He tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge. He gave it another go, but got the same result.

"Levi?" He yelled out. In a matter of seconds, he heard someone approaching the door. He heard footsteps going up to the door, the lock being turned, and then the door opening. Savva looked up at Levi and contemplated silently for a moment. "Do—do you have my backpack?" He asked, and Levi nodded. "Then let me wear my own clothes." He demanded, seeming a bit irritated by Levis actions.

"W-why?" Levi stutters out in an offended tone as he moves in way too close to Savva. Savva dithered, confused by the man's abrupt shift of mood. Submissiveness replacing his typical domineering and commanding manner.

"The basement is freezing—," He started, "I need something warmer." Levi looked pleadingly at Savva; his mask did little to hide his feelings. His eyes revealed a lot about him.

"Ill get you a blanket. But please." He came to Savva's height and pleaded with him. Savva paused for a second before nodding. Levi heaved a shaky sigh of relief and embraced Savva in a tight hug. Savva's head was buried deep in Levi's chest. Levi took a big breath in, taking in Savva's scent with a low, guttural groan. "You smell like me." He whimpered out, tightly gripping the back of Savva's head.

Savva stood there helplessly accepting it till he felt the sudden, intense pressure of an erection on his lower abdomen. He put his hands on Levi's waist and pushed, but Levi didn't budge.

"Stop." Muffled by Levi's chest, he said, but Levi ignored him. Savva struggled even more to free himself from his grip. Levi, enraptured, continued to take in Savva's aroma. "Let go!" He shouted.

Levi eventually let Savva go after a brief struggle. and didn't say a word. Savva's eyes strayed down to Levi's bulging erection, and he gulped slightly as he gazed back up into Levi's.

"Take me back to the basement please." Savva let out a soft whisper, not knowing what else to say.. Even while he wanted to yell at Levi, he recognized that at any time, he could easily be over powered by this man. Levi nodded.


Y'all, I am so fucking tired, tell me why this chapter took so fucking long to write. I am exhausted...alsoooo sowwy if it bad, but idgaf sooo yuh.


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