The me thats always been

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Have you ever felt like you were meant to be someone else,
Like the skin you're wearing isn't your true self,
So you poke and prod scratch and claw at the inner door trying to break free,
Your pain from this feeling hits so deep that it makes your soul scream,
You cry and cry and your heart breaks every time you have to lie and pretend your someone they want you to be when that's not how you feel deep down inside,
The scars on my chest set me free from the cage i was born in and i just feel like it's simply meant to be,
The sky seems dark and weary for my eyes have seen deeper despair when my soul just wants you here,
With every tear I cry the rain seems to fall from the sky for nature and I are one of the same,
I may not match what society says I should be but why is it they won't let me be me,
My family says it's ok so why can't we all say the same,
My life is mine and what I choose is not up to you,
My outer beauty should match the person that's deep down inside begging to come out,
So you can beat me you can break me but you can never change me,
I am who I was meant to be and either you can stand with me or you can choose to walk the other way but just know that I will always see the light in the better of days,
So take my hand and walk with me down this unknown path for the journey of life has just begun,
We may not know where it will lead but that is ok for I feel it in my body and soul that where we are going is where we are meant to be,
So this is the me that's always been and I will always be me.

Copyright ©️2023 by Hunter Luis Mylen

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