Forever sunset.

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Have you ever sat and watched the sunset,

seen how each ray is a different shade and feel as if it is too familiar to stay far away,

it is so warm its like a hug from someone who isn't around no-more,

all I want to do is sit and watch a sunset with you,

if I sit there will you be there too,

I know that I won't be able to see you but maybe I would be able to feel you,

sitting there,


feeling the same rays I feel,

exploring every color that shines through,

sunsets are beautiful and bright familiar and kind,

sometimes I feel if I sit and stare for to long time will come to a halt,

to be honest since you've been gone it is the truth that all time has stopped,

but people tell me to get over it and I try it is always the same,

the pain the tears will forever remain,

you were the biggest part of who I was and still are to this day,

you have inspired me to love the way I do and to wear my heart on my sleeve but remain wholesome and true,

I am the man I am today and that is because of you,

so the sunset still shines bright,

it is soft and warm,

and the memories of you shine through with the rays,

because you are my sunset and that is were you will stay......

Copyright ©️2024 by: Hunter Luis Mylen

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