Has depression stared back at you?

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Have you ever had depression staring back at you?
I have wanna know what I saw?
When my depression stares back at me I see a reflection of myself,
The version of what once was,
The me that died a long time ago somewhere between the all the death and grief,
The me that knows the difference between friend and foe,
Good and evil,
Inspiration and envy,
The me that loved so hard I swear you could see my heart on my sleeve,
The one that would be there if you say you needed me,
My depression takes many forms you see,
But the main one is the reflection of me,
Looks like me,
Sounds like me,
But I can tell you that it is not me,
The me I am now is different as well,
I try so hard to be the person I once was,
But I know I can't but I can be a different and better version of the me that I am now,
When I see my depression in my reflection I see myself, every little detail every little flaw sometimes I stare for to long,
The eyes are the same shade of green dark one second like the grass in the summer time to the freckles on my face each one a different size and shade for not a single one is the same for I am uniquely and simply insane,
My birthmark that used to define my weakness but is now a strength for it's a part of me that I will not change,
To the scars on my arm, 43 last time I sat down to count,
Those scars are not regrets but are reminders,
That me and my depression went rounds,
And when it boils down to it I came out on top,
So no they are not a regret they show me that anything can be a battle scar and that's what they are,
My mind that is in my head is always in the sky,
It's flustered and a mess,
Missing people that have left in the past,
My mind is always a big challenge to face I forget that I can change what it thinks if I tried,
I'm insane yes but aren't we all,
Not one person is sane to this day,
Everyone has their own struggles with their mind,
Their body,
Their life......

Copyright ©️2023 by Hunter Luis Mylen

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