To The Blind Eye.

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To the blind eye things are not always what they seem,
What was once a thought becomes a painting of all things that we wish to see,
before they all become an everlasting memory,
Eyes behold wonderful things if you have them open enough to see,
But the eyes can also become blind,
That is why love for some people can be so hard to find,
People nowadays use their eyes to find love instead of their minds,
If people used their minds to find the love of their lives than it would be easier than they thought,
When you can see with your mind I'm telling you it's worth it,
It tells you a person's true intentions and their love and compassion,
Fall for someone based on their personalities, not their features that lay above the inner core,
Eyes can be true and kind but also deceitful and weary,
My eyes get tired of looking for the good in people when not everyone has that in them,
I wish all people had good in them,
We all can see things but not all can understand those things that they see,
Your mind is linked with your eyes so when you see a beautiful place once it will forever be embedded in your head.

Copyright ©️ 2023 by Hunter Luis Mylen

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