new years end

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As the year comes to an end,
I feel like I have lost a shit ton of friends,
Our lives all changed but some of that friendly love still remained,
Some chose to stay and some chose to go the ones that stayed I love the most,
The memories I've made will forever be a maze of the good and bad and the life I could have had,
As a new year approaches my goals will be written and my life will soon change,
I wish some things were different but you can't change the past for it's story has already been written,
This year will bring some challanges for sure but there is nothing I can't indure,
Will there be true love the world will never know,
Will there be happiness in time that will show,
What about change that I feel deep down into my soul,
My thoughts will evolve but my heart will remain strong,
For nobody will play me like they did once and make me feel like I was alone and wrong,
I am as strong as my ansestor's whole romed the earth before my soul touched ground,
Sometimes I just need to be reminded of that.

Copyright ©️2024 by Hunter Luis Mylen

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