Life as a TransMan.

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Life as a transman is far from fun,
It's trauma and depression all in one,
Some days you feel yourself and others you don't,
Sometimes it feels like your life will soon be done,
I say that because not everyone is ok with transgenders living with everyone as one,
My head becomes my worst enemy because it makes things seem like my body isn't my own,
The only way I know I'll be free is when there are scars on my body,
No, they won't be by me they will be the scars that come with being me,
They will be on my chest making me feel more like myself in the temporary skin that I am stuck in,
The dysphoria that comes along with it is bad too,
It is like an anxiety attack but worse is there a way to be ok I would say no,
The only way that will all stop will indeed start with me,
When I am at peace with myself that is when the real work begins,
The death threats that come in hurt my soul because why would you hurt me because I am that "one word",
I am myself and you will not stop me for as long as I shall live,
Being transgender is far from perfect,
I can't count the number of times suicide has crossed my mind,
People ask why but the answer is simple and it is humanity altogether,
They target people like me for no reason other than they don't understand and they never will,
I wish we could all hold hands and be at peace,
Just because you don't understand me doesn't mean you have to hate me,
I am the same person you once knew just with a special title with it...

Copyright ©️ 2023 by Hunter Luis Mylen

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