Danny- 😍Asking Out😍

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I had just gotten home from a weekly shopping spree I spent a bit to much money, dumping the bag's on the kitchen bench.

Walking out of the kitchen I see a note on my coffee table What the hell is this -I said I opened the envelope.

Rose's are Red,
Violet's are Blue,
At the end of this trail,
There's a gift for you.

Ooh scavnger hunt is this for one of KnJ's video's I saw another envelope, so I opened it.

Your skin is so soft,
Your scent is so sweet,
You'll find your next clue,
Where you sit down to eat.

I walked into my dining room and saw a frozen meal of butter chicken and a pepsi max Yes let's go -I said Grabbing the meal I put it in the microwave and cooked it.

Grabbing the meal I walked back to the dining room and sat down and started eating. Opening the 3rd envelope I read it.

I hope your having,
Fun so far,
The next clue is with,
A Tin or Jar.

Instantly knowing what this mystery person was talking about I finished up my meal and grabbed the can of Pepsi and chucked it in the bin.

Making my way to the Tin of my puppies London's ashes I saw a note Hey Londy I miss you -I whispered.

You make me so happy,
Every day of my life,
Now check where you find,
The Fork and the Knife.

Ok so it's Danny -I smiled and walked to the kitchen and opened the utensil drawer, finding a note I opened it.

Thought's of you go round,
In my head,
Now take a look where,
You go to bed.

Walking to my bedroom I see a note, sitting on my bed I opened the note.

You're truly the best,
I can't ask for more,
The next clue you'll find,
By the front door.

Funny how I didn't see it when I walked in, standing up I walked to my front hallway and looked in my plant pot to find a note sitting their.

I like you,
And you Like me,
Look in the room,
Where we watch Tv.

Walking to the Living room I couldn't find the note I looked everywhere and couldn't find it so I looked behind the Tv to see it their Oh wow he's great at hiding thing's -I said.

I'll like you forever,
With you I'll grow old,
Now look at where,
You keep the food cold.

That's sweet -I said walking to the kitchen I opened the fridge and saw a note A-ha found it -I said.

Without further ado,
I'll give you a clue,
The first one you'll find,
Will be in your shoe.

Hope he remember's what shoe's I wear nearly everyday, walking to the hallway again I grab the clue and it also say's put me on So I put my Van's on and read the clue.

I love how you look,
You're so full of Grace,
The next clue is where,
You look at your face.

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