Chapter 4 Broken Apart

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Wha-what you mean for how long? Kiy paused. HOW LONG!!!!!? Kendra yelled as tears rolled down her face. Baby wait calm down first. Don't tell me to f****n calm down!!! HOW...long. I don't know I don't how long all I know is I f***ed up and I'm sorry I never meant to hurt u I'm sorry she ment nothing I promise. I love u And my babies. Kiy expressed as he gently put his hand on Kendra almost fully round stomach. No u don't!!!! Kendra yelled pushing Kiy's hand away. So she's having your kid too huh? Kiy paused. Answer me!!! Kiy paused again. ......yea. Omg I can't believe u right now so u let that B***h make u ruin what we have?! Really Kiy and she befriended me outta spite because of yo lyin ahh. Kendra got up to leave. No please don't go! I messed up and I messed up bad i know but please don't do this. Kiy I trusted you all of that trying for nothing just to cheat. Like are u crazyyyyyy?! Kendra expressed while crying. And u know what if I wasn't pregnant right now I would have whopped yo ahh and that evil B***h. Y'all deserve each other! Wait baby!! baby!! Kendra!!! Kendra!!!!! (Door Slams). Kiy flopped on the couch with his face in his hands. So Tuesday arrives and Kendra and a few other young pregnant moms where in their breathing class. The bell rings and as they all get up to leave. Kendra felt a slight touch on her arm. Hey! You seem a bit off everything alright wit the kiddos? Yea they good. It's something else is there?? Yea it is. U been f***en my baby daddy b***h. Yea and I will f*** him again how about that! U can try if he let u
You. Oh he will know that y'all are broken up I can have him all I want. Oh pls u was nothin but a slide and got a baby outta it. Ha! Really haha! U think u real smart don't u. Oh I'm very smart and what about u. Ruin someone's family fa what!? I'm the ex u gotta worry about sweetheart. Kendra frown in shock. U can have him baby girl. I ain't no pick me ahh b***h like u. Kendra expressed storming off. Rosalina giggles evilly. Hey! pls talk to me. Kiy said as Kendra walked passed. Go talk to yo hoe! Kendra screams down the hall as a few teenagers looked at her then Kiy. Kiy runs after her stopping her from walking. Hey I'm not lettin u go remember that. Kendra stared at him with anger and hurt with watery eyes as she walks off.

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