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Sooooo Mr. Shing and Mr. Vorgals what's going on here. one at a time. Mr. Vorgals? He Broke my nose! Chance Expressed. Did you start the fight???? Chance Hesitated. I did but he caused it taking my girl. Mr. Vorgals now you know that's no right way to settle a dispute. Mr. Shing now you. Well I was talking to my girlfriend/ the mother of my Son and daughter making sure she got to class and he charged at me chocking me striking me in my face. He got on top of me like literally trying to make sure I didn't breathe any longer and I hit him in the nose getting him off me and I stood up just looking at him. Hmmmmmm you guys know this is a fight free zone. So Kiy you get detention for 3 weeks from 3:30 to 5 o'clock and for your Chance your suspended for 4 weeks and you will not walk the stage at graduation you might not graduate at all. But Principal Sanders?! End of conversation back to class Mr. Shing you go first. Mr. Vorgals wait for 10 minutes have a seat. Chance sat down boiling on the inside. Later on that day Kiy comes home from detention tired as ever cuddling up to Kendra. It was that bad? She asked as she played with his hair. Mmmm not really just tired and my face hurts. Well at least we got the swelling to go down aaaand you will still graduate and can't say the same for him tho. Yea well hopefully he don't even come fa me again. I'm sure he's learned his lesson. February 25th comes and Kendra's Pregnancy is almost ending she's having more false labor pains and being put on a 2 week early bed rest. Kiy visited everyday after school even took her homework too her. After the the false labor pains eased up Kendra's dad and Kiy's Uncle paid for Kendra maturity shots they came out beautiful. So Friday comes and Kendra goes to her Parenting class. Hi welcome back Kendra The Whole class said expect Rosalina.

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