Page 45 Chapter 8 New Beginnings New Problems

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She was there. Who? That crazy Bi***. Damn she just won't quit. Yeah until she gets you to herself. Oh don't worry bae it's never gonna happened I promise. Kiy Swears. I love you Kendra expresses. And I love you. Kiy says going over to Kendra. When they started getting in the mood. The door bell rings. Damn I guess the twins are back bae my mother is keeping them for us because of the senior festivities remember? Oh yea that's right be right back. Kiy aye mane the party ain't ova. Dan expressed ringing the doorbell again. Ight ight hold up yo Kiy says opening the door. wussuh Ni***aaaa. Nah nah we ain't done. Dan comes in kind of tipsy. And the the rest of the crew follows. Hey Kiy where's our girl. Mattie asked. Oh she's in the room. Coo Kendra?! We here girl you good? Yes I'm fine well come and join us girl the twins gone get yo mommy time. Mattie jokes. Shut up Kendra jokes back. Getting up in her gown. Girl take that spring chicken sh** off and put on sum comfy Mattie jokes once more. Oh my Gooood Matt Chiiiilll. Chardi expressed trying not to laugh. I can't believe you acting thought I was gonna keep this on. Kendra says laughing. Soooo uggggh who's that Nerd? Nah I'm just Kiddin Kiy Joked. What's ya name bruh? The name Quizzy. Quizzy was caramel Color. Average sized. Lean type of guy but had a little Muscle to him. Hair was cut in to a fade from back in the 90's. With baby face. Just growing his chin hairs. His clothes was retro styled. And was handsome but no one seem to come to him in attraction except Mora who he had been chasing since 7th grade. He was 17 now birthday the day after the graduation. Quizzy wasn't quiet at all he was the life of the part real smooth and dramatic as ever. With being the biggest school comedian. Quin moccasin. But as you know err body call me Quizzy. Kendra you need help? Nah girl I got it Kendra struggles with her zipper on her dress.

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