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Um you sure I ain't gone get into it wit one of yo lil girlfriends? Kendra expressed looking up at Kiy. Nah who told you that? Just asking I know you got some groupies look at you. Oooooh so I'm fine hahaaa. Uggh never mind. Kendra expressed rolling her eyes walking away as she slowly disappeared into the crowd. Kiy (sighed) walking slowly until one of his girls came up hugging on him. There you arrrrre! The girl expressed. Sup giiiiirl! Kiy expressed wrapping his arm around her as they walked on. After the school day was ending the halls became flooded with teenagers rapidly. As Kendra found a way to the front school doors right before opening one of the doors Kiy opened one for her just in time. Oh..... you again thanks. No problem beautiful no problem. So uggh you must be waiting on the rest of the crew? Umhm. Kendra nodded smiling a little. Aye I know we haven't talked in a long time. Just wanted to catch up on things. Kendra paused before responding. Weell I'll thinn—
Kiy Boooo!!! Another browned skinned girl shouted cutting Kendra off all sassy acting. Umm and to say I was gonna think about it. NOPE! Kendra shouted a little getting ready to walk off until Kiy gently gripped her small waist. Wait a minute wait bae Come on now.

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