| Y/N's POV |

Moving to Los Angeles from New York was a big change but I was more than ready. It was time for a fresh start and what better way to do it then moving halfway across the country on a tight budget with no one else by your side except your best friend who already lives in L.A? Another reason I moved here was to take a job at being a security guard at the mall which isn't the best pay, no, but it's a start. Right?

When the plane touches down, I manage to grab my suitcase and pass through security. As I bring my suitcases out, I'm met with the beautiful city we call Los Angeles, the breeze was nice and chilly. My eyes land on the Range Rover parked in the front of the airport and I immediately knew it was my best friend.

Billie has been my friend since middle school, we've been through thick and thin together. I have her back, and she has mine. She reached over the gearshift, throwing the passenger door open while remaining in her seat. "What's up, bitch?!" She yelled with a wide smile.

I chuckled, letting a smile roll on my own lips as I rush over to the rover, putting my luggage in the backseat before hopping in the passenger's seat, reuniting with my best friend. "Heyyy." I drag out as we do our signature hand shake, before Billie slammed on the gas, driving like a maniac out of the parking lot, attracting a few crazy looks from strangers but we didn't care.

• • •

After Billie dropped me off at my new apartment that I was able to afford, she helped carry my suitcases upstairs. We chatted for a bit before she had to go, which left me to ponder around my new place. It was empty, and spacious so when I get money, I'll have to decorate it.

But for now, it was time to get ready for work. I flipped the light on in my new bedroom, examining every inch of the space. It was small but cozy. Just how I like it. I go into the bathroom with my backpack, changing into my mall security uniform before grabbing the taser I was given and my badge. I didn't have a car so I had to walk to the mall which unfortunately, was 20 minutes away.

Better get going I guess.

• • •

To conclude, my job is boring. I've been standing by the water fountain in the middle of the mall the entire time. Nothing other than having to kick a few obnoxious teenagers out, but that's it. It wasn't until my eyes caught on to a beautiful, tall woman who was wearing dark clothes that looked like they could be worn during combat.

She was in a jewelry store, and I was just able to see her sneaking what looked like a very expensive diamond ring. "Hey!" I yelled, startling the customers and the manager who worked there, but my gaze was fixed on the woman who smirked at me before taking off. I immediately ran after her, but I wasn't as fast as her.

We ran out of the mall, I followed her outside into a dark alley, dodging trash bags and metal dumpsters. It was dark, and I couldn't see until I was suddenly pressed up against a wall, feeling a pair of strong hands on my wrists, pinning me down. "Don't move." A voice growled, it sounded both masculine and feminine.

"HElp~" I tried yelling, but a hand was placed over my mouth, my words now coming out as muffled. I felt another pair of hands take over my wrists while the original pair started searching me. Just then, the alley lights came on, but even from a distance you couldn't see us, but I was able to see who it was.

It was the woman I was chasing and some guy with her. "Check her pockets." The guy instructed, and the woman rolled her eyes before dipping her hands inside my pockets, smirking as she found the taser inside.

"Well, you have no use for this anymore." She tsked and tossed the taser at the wall, effectively breaking it. My mouth was still being covered by her hand, I tried to scream but everything always came out as muffled. "Don't worry, sweetheart. Everything will be alright." The woman husked with a smirk as the man grabbed a mask, sleeping gas started to invade my lungs as he placed it on my face. I tried to not breath it in but I failed. "Sleep, pretty girl." Was all I heard before I was unconscious.

Her and I | Hailee Steinfeld (G!P) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now