Kian- 🎂Baking a cake drunk🎂

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Walking through the front door I saw Kian at the kitchen streaming I think Hey babe perfect timing -He said Why -I said Because were gonna bake a cake drunk -He said Ooh I like it -I said.

Can I get changed first -I said Of course -He said I walked into the bedroom and got unchanged, but then changed into comfy clothes.

Going into the kitchen I stood next to Kian Kiss -He said leaning down and kissing me I kissed back How was work -He said Great -I said Ready -He said Yep -I said What's up guy's welcome back to the stream we will wait for more people to come in -He said Ok that should be good Today we are baking a cake Drunk but if you maybe thinking who's we -He said My girlfriend -He said grabbing my arm and pulling me into him.

Hi -I said Hey Y/n, Y/n, Pretty was seen in the chat Sha'll we get started -He said Let's do it -I said We both took 2 shot's Holy shit -I said God damn it -Kian said We got to baking.

Time for another 2 shot's -I said Ok -He said we downed them Fucking hell -I said The cake was baking so we shotgunned a whiteclaw and then a shot of Tequila Why you do this to me -I said Cause I love you -He said Feel's like it -I said Hey -He said.

Chat he's a bully -I said No I'm not -He said Yes you are -I said Rude -He said Not at all -I said I'm drunk but I want to drink more -I said walking to the fridge I grabbed a whiteclaw babe you want one -I asked Yes plz -He said.

Walking to him I passed him his and we cracked our's open Chat can we show you our party trick -I said Yes's were seen in chat Ok -I said wrapping my arm around Kian's and we chugged our drink's pulling our arm's away we kissed eachother and Kian went forward so I went down.

Ahhh -I said laughing getting up Babe -I said Yes -He said I think I'm drunk -I said Me to but at least were home so we can get lit -He said Let's get fucking lit, chat get lit with us -I said.

The oven dinged and I put oven mit's on and opened the oven door, putting my hand's under the tray I lifted the tray until my hand slipped and the cake fell Oh shit -I said laughing Kian was just recording me.

Kian plz help -I said Coming -He said I moved away and he picked it up and put it on the bench Fucking hell I can't bake I can cook just not bake -I said.

We added the decoration's to it and it look's fucking shit I cracked up laughing with Kian Alright chat that's the end of the stream I got to take care of miss drunky over here -He said Fuck you -I said smirking and walking to our bedroom I bumped into the wall Ow bitch move -I said Babe that's a wall -He said Oh sorry wall -I said.

Jumping on the bed I fell and flopped my head and arm's were on the ground and my feet were on the bed and I soon snoozed away.

Oh god -Kian said laughing he lifted me up and put me on the bed he kissed me on the forehead and climbed in next to me.

The End.

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